Xpath in Selenium: A Complete Guide

When writing a selenium automation script, we must locate elements. If we can't locate the elements using locators like id, class, name, etc., we use XPath to locate an element on the webpage.

The ability to select any locator to support your condition is provided by XPath, which allows a choice to search a web element dynamically. However, XPath is not the only procedure Selenium provides to discover any element.

Beta Testing — A Brief Guide

What Is Beta Testing?

User Acceptance Testing is another name for beta testing. Beta testing is the type of testing we did before the software was released. It is also a type of silent testing that does end-to-end software testing. Real people usually carry it out. After the alpha testing, this testing was carried out. A limited number of users are given access to beta testing to verify functionality, usability, and accessibility, among other things.

Alpha Vs Beta Testing

The Differences Between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing

Alpha and Beta testing are equally crucial in every organization, and both types of testing are critical to a product's success. However, before we begin utilizing alpha or beta testing, it's important to understand the differences between the two.

What Is Alpha Testing?

Before releasing the final product to end-users or the general public, Alpha Testing is done to find any flaws. The major purpose of alpha is to find and test tasks that a normal user may do.

5 Types of Software Testing Models

Originally published October 17, 2021

One of the critical aspects of the software development life cycle is software testing. Today, there are a plethora of different software development models to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. As a result, depending on the project's requirements and difficulties, you must choose just the right model. Let's look at various software testing models, their advantages and disadvantages.