How to secure your WordPress Website – TurnUpHosting

The world these days has become more connected than ever before with the help of the internet. In today's world, you can communicate with another person who lives over ten thousand miles away in an instant through email, social media apps, video calling apps, etc.
As a result, a lot of people around the world have set up blogs to highlight or share information through writing, sometimes with images and videos.
WordPress is a very famous open-source script for blog creation. WordPress because of its popularity and open-source nature has also been a regular target for hackers exploiting some of its vulnerabilities, so it is very important to talk about how to secure your blog or WordPress website.
Lots of people use WordPress for blog creation because its functionality can be expanded with the use of custom functions, plugins, or a combination of the two.
There are many ways to secure your WordPress website from hackers or cyberattacks, some of the ways have been listed below.

  1. Always use a reliable hosting company to host your website.
    It is always best to choose a reliable hosting company for your blog. This is because you want to make sure that all the work you put in your blog later is not wiped because of any incompetence from your hosting company such as server security loopholes being exploited, server downtime, etc...that affects your Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP).
    You can get secure, fast hosting from here.
    You can get a secure web hosting from
    You can get a secure WordPress Hosting from
  2. Using a valid SSL certificate.
    Secured Socket Layer (SSL) uses standard encryption technologies to encrypt all data that is being sent over your website from your website to your web server. This encryption safeguards information that is sent on your website.
    You can read more about SSL certificates and their benefits here.
  3. Change your default login URL to a custom one.
    It is a good security practice to always change the default login URL to a custom one. WordPress comes with a default yourdomain/wp-admin for admin login URL and yourdomain/wp-login for users login URL.
    These default login URLs are known and easily targeted by hackers. Changing the default login URLs to custom ones and disabling redirects from default login URLs helps to reduce the chances of your blog being hacked.
    Navigate to plugins in your admin dashboard area, click add new, and search for a custom login URL. Check the plugins with great reviews and install, following the instructions.
  4. Always use a strong username and password with re-captcha.
    WordPress by default assigns your blog with admin as the username for admin login. This username is very easy to guess for hackers. It is standard security practice to change your admin username to something unrelated to your site, which is very difficult for cyber-attackers to guess.
    Also use a strong password with at least eight characters, one capital letter, and a special symbol.
    In addition to a strong username and password, you should also use Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha to help prevent hackers and bots from brute-force attacks.
  5. Always install at least one security plugin.
    There are a lot of security plugins for WordPress, some being free, others paid. It is recommended that you install at least one security plugin to help prevent attacks on your website at the web level even before it gets to your server.
    Some of the popular security plugins are All in one security, Wordfence, Cerber, Jetpack, etc
  6. Keep your themes and plugins updated always.
    A lot of WordPress themes and plugins come with regular updates. These updates are usually security updates that patch loopholes. It is recommended to first backup your blog before you update all plugins.
  7. Always avoid using poorly coded or nulled plugins and themes.
    There are a lot of websites out there that provide paid plugins and themes of other peoples work for free. Most of the time, these plugins and themes have been obfuscated with malicious codes that make your blog vulnerable to cyber-attacks later on.
    It is recommended that you purchase or get plugins and themes either directly from WordPress or the developers website.
    Following the guidelines described in this blog post will help you to strengthen the security of your blog or WordPress website and help reduce or prevent cyberattacks.

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How to secure your WordPress Website

The world these days has become more connected than ever before with the help of the internet. In today's world, you can communicate with another person who lives over ten thousand miles away in an instant through email, social media apps, video calling apps, etc.
As a result, a lot of people around the world have set up blogs to highlight or share information through writing, sometimes with images and videos.
WordPress is a very famous open-source script for blog creation. WordPress because of its popularity and open-source nature has also been a regular target for hackers exploiting some of its vulnerabilities, so it is very important to talk about how to secure your blog or WordPress website.
Lots of people use WordPress for blog creation because its functionality can be expanded with the use of custom functions, plugins, or a combination of the two.
There are many ways to secure your WordPress website from hackers or cyberattacks, some of the ways have been listed below.

  1. Always use a reliable hosting company to host your website.
    It is always best to choose a reliable hosting company for your blog. This is because you want to make sure that all the work you put in your blog later is not wiped because of any incompetence from your hosting company such as server security loopholes being exploited, server downtime, etc...that affects your Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP).
  2. Using a valid SSL certificate.
    Secured Socket Layer (SSL) uses standard encryption technologies to encrypt all data that is being sent over your website from your website to your web server. This encryption safeguards information that is sent on your website.
    You can read more about SSL certificates and their benefits here.
  3. Change your default login URL to a custom one.
    It is a good security practice to always change the default login URL to a custom one. WordPress comes with a default yourdomain/wp-admin for admin login URL and yourdomain/wp-login for users login URL.
    These default login URLs are known and easily targeted by hackers. Changing the default login URLs to custom ones and disabling redirects from default login URLs helps to reduce the chances of your blog being hacked.
    Navigate to plugins in your admin dashboard area, click add new, and search for a custom login URL. Check the plugins with great reviews and install, following the instructions.
  4. Always use a strong username and password with re-captcha.
    WordPress by default assigns your blog with admin as the username for admin login. This username is very easy to guess for hackers. It is standard security practice to change your admin username to something unrelated to your site, which is very difficult for cyber-attackers to guess.
    Also use a strong password with at least eight characters, one capital letter, and a special symbol.
    In addition to a strong username and password, you should also use Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha to help prevent hackers and bots from brute-force attacks.
  5. Always install at least one security plugin.
    There are a lot of security plugins for WordPress, some being free, others paid. It is recommended that you install at least one security plugin to help prevent attacks on your website at the web level even before it gets to your server.
    Some of the popular security plugins are All in one security, Wordfence, Cerber, Jetpack, etc
  6. Keep your themes and plugins updated always.
    A lot of WordPress themes and plugins come with regular updates. These updates are usually security updates that patch loopholes. It is recommended to first backup your blog before you update all plugins.
  7. Always avoid using poorly coded or nulled plugins and themes.
    There are a lot of websites out there that provide paid plugins and themes of other peoples work for free. Most of the time, these plugins and themes have been obfuscated with malicious codes that make your blog vulnerable to cyber-attacks later on.
    It is recommended that you purchase or get plugins and themes either directly from WordPress or the developers website.
    Following the guidelines described in this blog post will help you to strengthen the security of your blog or WordPress website and help reduce or prevent cyberattacks.