Implementation of React-Redux Hooks With Typescript

This article is a continuation of my previous article. If you are new to hooks and have directly arrived here, then I would suggest you to first check out that first article and then come here. In that way, you'll be able to understand everything in this article clearly.

If you know about the basics of hooks in React, like useEffect or useState, then you're probably good to go.

React Hooks With Typescript: Use State and Effect in 2020

In this article. we are going to see how functional segments can be used with React hooks to reduce the length of code used in writing class-based components, while still obtaining all their features.

We are going to use TypeScript for this tutorial so that our code remains 100% typesafe, and I must say, if you are doing a big project, Typescript is a must feature one should go with to help keep code clean.