Java and GraphQL: A Guide

It is quite difficult to design REST APIs as they need to serve multiple clients efficiently. Each client has their own needs, and therefore requires different parameters around data filtering and searching, which is where a traditional rest API comes in. Clients can navigate the single version, picking and choosing the data they want.

Developed by Facebook to overcome the shortcomings of REST API, GraphQL acts as a query language for APIs, as well as a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your extant data. When you provide a complete and clear description of the data in your API, clients can utilize that to ask for exactly what they need. When you expose your schema, the evolution of APIs becomes much easier. Clients can still navigate the schema to fit their needs, even if you add more fields and relations over time.

Getting Started With Java and JSF

Learn more about using JavaServerFaces (JSF) in your Java apps.

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java framework standard for building out component-based user interfaces for web applications. JSF is supported by a wide range of ready-to-use components, libraries, tools, and vendors — making it even more powerful.

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Why choose JSF over JavaServer Pages (JSP)? There are two main reasons: