Top 5 JavaScript Mistakes That Developers Make and Their Solutions

The JavaScript language has a long history. There are a lot of developers out there who are still learning the basics. But, if you're trying to learn the language and make your first steps into it, you need to know what mistakes new developers make.

You have already researched JavaScript development tutorials, and you know that it's one of the most popular languages in the world. You've started to use it for your website or app, but there's still something that feels wrong with it, isn't it??

Guide to Install NPM and Node JS on Mac and Windows

With exponential growth and demand for full-stack development, JavaScript has become a reliable technology for developing a full-fledged business application.

Several backend and frontend frameworks and libraries are available, which are based on JavaScript and are highly compatible with each other. Node JS is a technology that professionals appraised for fabricating a scalable server-side for robust and responsive applications.