How Engineers and CTOs Can Use a Simple, Universal Prioritization Technique Devised by Eisenhower

Are you familiar with any of the following scenarios?

  • We are never doing anything significant, neither benefitting ourselves nor humankind
  • We are always firefighting, stressed out, and going through mental trauma
  • We are doing considerable work but never on time, so we are missing out on the rewards

Instead, we should be doing substantial work at the right time so that both you and humankind are benefitted from your work. The question is, how.

How Likely Are Your Engineers to Recommend Your Organization to Others?

The answer to the above question could be given on a 0-10 scale. Based on the number given, they could be clustered into the following groups:

  • 0-6 (unhappy): They might be not only looking for a way out but also possibly be speaking ill of the engineering group and/or the company.
  • 7-8 (passives): They are satisfied but they are also in the market and possibly exploring opportunities elsewhere
  • 9-10 (promoters): They are not only loyal but also active promoters of the engineering group and/or the company.

The answer to the above question summarizes many emotions, thoughts, and perceptions about the managers, engineering group, and the company. It is such a straightforward and quick question to ask that you could probably ask your engineers every month or quarter. Keep track of this metric regularly to get a clearer picture of the engineers' satisfaction over time.