How and Why You Should Start Automating DevOps

DevOps is not new. Every business in the IT world knows it is the right software development methodology. Indeed, DevOps has enticed the world with its promise of high-quality product delivery at a faster pace. Despite the clear promise of DevOps, many businesses are failing to realize its complete potential. While cultural inertia and skillset sparsity are some of the reasons, the inability to completely automate the DevOps lifecycle remains the greatest impediment for businesses to drive full value from their DevOps investments. Integration of DevOps and automation is what leads to a more efficient software development lifecycle (SDLC). So, let’s understand what it is all about automating DevOps and how you can start automating your DevOps processes.

What Is DevOps Automation?

Automation is the fundamental principle of DevOps. In fact, “automating everything” is the ultimate objective of the DevOps methodology. So, DevOps automation is the process of automating nearly every repetitive and manual task across the DevOps SDLC, from design and development to deployment and release management.

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What Is Continuous Integration in DevOps?

In DevOps, Continuous Integration (CI) involves automating the building and deploying code every time a developer in a team commits code to version control. Developers share code by merging all changes to a shared repository, including the smallest changes. Every time code is committed, it initiates an automated pipeline that retrieves that latest code and proceeds to build, test, and validate the main or trunk branch.

CI was imagined and implemented as a best practice to tackle a specific problem. When the coder worked in isolation and had to integrate changes with the team's codebase at the end of days or weeks, they found it led to frequent merge conflicts, frustrating bugs, incompatible coding strategies, and duplications.

Why We Need Tool Choice: A Developer’s Story

As I landed my first real job as a developer, Britney Spears had the song of the summer, Y2K bugs were about to throw the world into the dark ages, and everyone on my new team used the same tools to code, test, and deploy. As a fresh-out-of-college noob, I was thrown onto tools with steep learning curves resulting in low productivity rates. I thought it was the way it worked and I had to pay my dues to get comfortable with the system. 

I have since come to understand that there are better processes. In the words of Britney, Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here?