End-to-End Testing in Agile: All You Need to Know

Most applications today are designed with a service-oriented architecture structure. The application is interconnected with many subsystems that can be outside of the application environment.

If there’s a failure in any of the subsystems, it can cause the entire application to crash.

Using Containers and Google Cloud in Automation Testing

Using Containers for Automation Testing

With the advent of agile and continuous integration and deployment, continuous testing has become a requirement. There is no alternative to that. The emphasis on shorter release cycles to give the product an edge in the competitive market is crucial.
In the faster release cycles, maintaining the quality of delivery is a real challenge.

Case in Point

Let’s assume you build an accounts screen for a highly secured banking app. Now some of the users might be using Chrome to access the application, some might use Internet Explorer, some might use mobile apps, etc. Now in the mobile app also, some users may have an Android phone and some may have iOS. So while deploying the code on production, developers and testers have to make sure that the feature is compatible with all different OS, browsers, platforms.

The 9-Step Success Formula: Switching From Manual to Automated Testing in 2020

Do you or your team currently test manually and trying to break into test automation? In this article, we outline how can small QA teams make the transition from manual to codeless testing to full-fledged automated testing. The transition will not happen overnight but can be successfully achieved much easier than anticipated.

1 – Say No to Mundane Repetitive Manual Testing

Your willingness to say no to mundane and boring repetitive manual testing is the first real step towards automated testing! As a team, you need to acknowledge that manual testing is haunted by repetitiveness and is error-prone. Any team will eventually get bogged down by doing the same thing over and over again impacting team motivation. Some teams will overcome this challenge by automating small bits and pieces of repetitive work. For example, a script to import test data into a database, a utility to generate random test data, etc.