Configuring SSO Using WSO2 Identity Server

Single sign-on is a feature that allows users to access more than one application with the same credentials. This article shows how we can configure SSO using the WSO2 Identity Server. There is a cab company called Pickup that has two web applications called pickup-manager and pickup-dispatch, which use WSO2 IS as their identity provider. After SSO configuration is done for both applications, the users need to provide credentials only for one application, and they can automatically log in to the other application. This article shows SSO implementation using two ways — SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect/OAuth 2.0.


  1. WSO2 Identity Server (IS) 5.11.0.
  2. Apache Tomcat 8.5.
  3. Download, and pickup-dispatch.war, pickup-manager.war from this repository.

Implementation Steps (SAML 2.0)

1. Start the WSO2 IS server by running wso2server.bat or present under <WSO2IS_HOME>/bin.

Configuring Custom OAuth 2.0 Grant Type in WSO2 API-M 4.X

This article explains how we can configure a custom OAuth 2.0 grant type known as the “mobile” grant type in WSO2 APIM. This mobile grant type is like the password grant type, where a mobile number will be passed as a parameter instead of a username and password.


  1. Apache Maven.
  2. Download the required source code from GitHub:

Custom-grant contains the source code for the mobile grant type that can be enhanced as per our requirement to configure the new grant type in WSO2 APIM.

Reindexing in WSO2 API-M to Display APIs in Publisher

WSO2 API-M 3.2.0 uses indexing to display API details in Publisher and DevPortal. Say you have API-M set up and running with Oracle or some other database and you have created some APIs in the Publisher. If the database password expires somehow and you restart the API-M server after the DB password reset, sometimes all the previously created APIs are not visible in Publisher after the server restart. But on checking in the database from the SQL developer or other DB tools, all the APIs can be seen.

To resolve this issue, the API data in the database needs to be reindexed. We can add the below reindexing configuration in the <Product_Home>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and then restart the API-M server. That should resolve the issue. 

Fixing Registered Callback Issue in an Active-Active Setup of WSO2 APIM

This article shows how we can fix the registered callback issue which occurs when you have an Active-Active setup of WSO2 APIM with a shared database.

Use Case

We have 2 nodes or machines “hostA” and “hostB” where WSO2 APIM 3.2.0 is set up in an Active-Active mode. Both of the nodes share the same “apim” and “shared” databases created in Oracle.

Database Integration in WSO2 EI 7.1.0


  1. Windows 10 OS.
  2. MySQL 8.0 server and Command-Line Client.
  3. JDBC driver for MySQL ( Download it to your local machine.
  4. WSO2 Integration Studio 8.0.0.

Implementation Steps

DB Creation (Run the below commands in MySQL command-line client to create a database and table for this demo)->

  1. Create Database Students
  2. Use Students
  3. CREATE TABLE Students (StudentID int, FirstName varchar(255), LastName varchar(255), Result varchar(255))

Service Implementation in Integration Studio

     1. Create a new Maven Multi-Module project on Getting Started page.