Data Governance: Data Integration (Part 4)

What Is Data Governance?

Data governance is a framework that is developed through the collaboration of individuals with various roles and responsibilities. This framework aims to establish processes, policies, procedures, standards, and metrics that help organizations achieve their goals. These goals include providing reliable data for business operations, setting accountability, and authoritativeness, developing accurate analytics to assess performance, complying with regulatory requirements, safeguarding data, ensuring data privacy, and supporting the data management life cycle.

Creating a Data Governance Board or Steering Committee is a good first step when integrating a Data Governance program and framework. An organization’s governance framework should be circulated to all staff and management, so everyone understands the changes taking place.

Data Governance: MDM and RDM (Part 3)

What Is Data Governance?

Data governance is a framework that is developed through the collaboration of individuals with various roles and responsibilities. The purpose of this framework is to establish processes, policies, standards, and metrics that help organizations achieve their goals. These goals may include providing reliable data for business operations, developing accurate analytics to assess performance, complying with regulatory requirements, safeguarding data, ensuring data privacy, and supporting the data management life cycle.

The important areas of Data Governance are described below. 

Data Governance: Data Architecture (Part 2)

Data governance is a framework created by the collaboration of people with various roles and responsibilities working towards establishing the processes, policies, standards, and metrics to achieve the organization’s goals. These goals can range from providing trusted data for businesses to developing accurate analytics for evaluating business performance, complying with regulatory compliances, protecting the data, ensuring data privacy, and enabling the data management life cycle.

The important areas of data governance are described below. 

Data Governance – Data Privacy and Security – Part 1

In every organization, there may be multiple source systems for various needs. Depending on how big the organization is, the source systems may vary from one to more than 1,000. Organizations often centralize their data in one place, integrate it, and derive value out of the data, such as a 360-degree view of customers, products, and so forth. To achieve this, a good data governance framework needs to be in place. 

The Data Governance framework helps organizations to group the data in the appropriate way, manage the data, ensure the quality of the data, verify the consistency of data, and completeness of data, all to improve decision-making abilities and secure the data in an apt way.