Throttle Spark-Kafka Streaming Volume

This article will help any new developer who wants to control the volume of Spark Kafka streaming.

A Spark streaming job internally uses a micro-batch processing technique to stream and process data. The initial state of the job will be in the "queued" status, then it will then move to the "processing" status, and then it is marked with the "completed" status.

In-house Tool for Performance Testing

In the software development cycle, testing is one of the important criteria. There are many tools available in this space for testing such as Junit, Jmeter, manual, automation, and many performance testing tools. Some of these tools are third-party tools and have a cost-heavy license for the company to manage. For small start-up companies, these license costs can be unbearable. We analyze a tool to make the process easier and more cost effective. 

About the Tool

Every team and company has different requirements and applications built out. The objective is to create a tool in the most customized way which is easily configurable and expandable to test current and future applications.

Amazon DynamoDB Integration

This article helps any new developer who wants to connect to Amazon DynamoDB.


  • Developer should have working IDE
  • The developer should have an AWS account and have DynamoDb service added.
  • A sample DynamoDb Table to be created.

Configuration Needed:

In your class-path, you should have awsconfiguration.json created.  For android, these files should reside in the project folder -> res/raw folder.