What Is The Best Time For Publishing Social Media Posts?

  1. Best time for Facebook posts

Facebooks algorithm changes over the last few years have emphasized friends, family, and meaningful connections. Thus, the content that drives the most engagement is going to be viral. Lets look at the best time for Facebook marketing.

Best time to post on Facebook- between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Best days to post on Facebook- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday The worst time to post on Facebook- early morning hours, and also, in the evenings after 6 pm.
The worst day to post on Facebook- Tuesday.
2. Best time for Instagram posts

Most businesses want to achieve maximum engagement level on their Instagram account. This is because more recently, people have begun to add views, shares, and directly message their favorite brands. Hence, Instagram has emerged as a crucial channel to boost brand recognition and brand loyalty. The best time to post on Instagram is:

Best Days- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Best Time- Between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Worst Day- Sunday

  1. Best time to post on Twitter

Given the huge number of users, Twitter is undoubtedly an excellent platform for creating brand awareness. Below is the best time to post on Twitter.

Best time- Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to generate consistent engagement.
Best days- Tuesday and Wednesday.
The worst time to post- between 10 p.m and 4 a.m.
Least recommended days to post on Twitter-Saturday and Sunday.

What are the 4 Ways to Boost Brand Visibility Through Paid Ads?

  1. Set up the right campaign goals

While creating PPC campaigns to increase brand awareness you might want to go for one of the following goals- number of impressions, click-through rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), or post engagement that will get your brand in front of the new audience.

  1. Find your target audience

Targeting your buyer persona on proper channels allows you to reach the relevant audience for your brand. You can select your target audience on Google Ads by refining your search based on the in-market audience, demographics, market research, site targeting, and remarketing.
Lets have a quick look at these PPC targeting strategies.

  1. Focus on the relevant keywords

Ads containing keywords matching a users search query are more likely to get you an enhanced quality score in the search engine pages. Make sure that the ad title includes your primary keyword to enhance its visibility. Also, dont forget to include negative keywords in your ad campaigns to reduce irrelevant clicks.

  1. Track your campaigns success

Analytics is crucial for every ad campaign whether its organic or paid search to review its performance and make decisions accordingly to improve the campaign efficiency. Its imperative to keep a track of all the metrics to monitor impressions, Click-Through-Rate (CTR), Conversions, and ROAS for every campaign that is created to build and boost recognition.