Practical Routes to Healthy Culture

The recent release of the Accelerate State of DevOps Report has once again highlighted the value of organizational culture. If you create a generative culture with high trust and low blame, you'll receive a 30% boost to your organization's performance.

Successfully updating the culture of a whole organization depends on its leader's passion, support, and attention span. At the ground level, when you pay attention to cultural signals, you'll find ways to make continuous small improvements.

The 2023 DevOps Performance Clusters

The 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps Report has arrived. This long-running research effort has shown how software delivery performance positively impacts organizational performance. Using the insights into concrete practices that drive performance, you can impact your commercial and non-commercial goals.

The full report is available from the DORA website, but in this article, you'll find an overview of some key changes the survey used to collect data this year. You'll also discover why we can welcome back the elite performance cluster and why this group can inspire improvements across many industries.

Paved vs. Golden Paths in Platform Engineering

If you follow the platform engineering trend, you'll have heard people talking about paved paths and golden paths. They're sometimes used as synonyms but can also reflect different approaches.

In this article, I discuss the critical difference between paved paths and golden paths in platform engineering.

DevOps and Platform Engineering

In this post, you discover where Platform Engineering fits into your broader software delivery process. You see how Platform Engineering works with a DevOps process and why both DevOps and Platform Engineering can help your organization attain high performance.

The Quick Version of DevOps

DevOps stems from the simple idea of developers and ops working together. This became difficult to do in many organizations because these teams had conflicting goals.

Creating a High-Performance DevOps Toolchain

Last week, the 2023 State of CD report was released. The Continuous Delivery Foundation commissioned the report, and it's authored by SlashData. The State of CD report looks at the adoption, practices, and performance of teams using DevOps and Continuous Delivery.

One of the many interesting sections in this year's report looked at DevOps-related technologies. Inspired by this insight, we take a deep dive into how to build high-performance DevOps toolchains.

Why Are There So Many Definitions of Lead Time?

When someone mentions lead times in software delivery, it's often unclear whether they mean the definition of lead times from Lean Software Development, the one from DevOps, or something else entirely.

In this post, I look at why there are so many definitions of lead time and how you can put them to use.

DevOps Uses a Capability Model, Not a Maturity Model

Your approach to DevOps is likely to be influenced by the methods and practices that came before. For organizations that gave teams autonomy to adapt their process, DevOps would have been a natural progression. Where an organization has been more prescriptive in the past, people will look for familiar tools to run a DevOps implementation, such as maturity models.

In this article, I explain why a maturity model isn't appropriate and what you should use instead.

Cloud-Nomad Architecture

A quiet revolution has occurred in the software industry, with many organizations backing away from cloud computing and microservices. These decisions are mainly influenced by cost control and performance.

In this post, we look at:

The Key Assumption of Modern Work Culture

DevOps has brought the topic of an organizational culture firmly to the table. While culture was always an element of Agile and Lean, the research into DevOps has shown it's just as important as the more technical capabilities.

The DevOps structural equation model has several elements related to people and culture, so it's clear that human issues are an important part of the DevOps picture. The five cultural capabilities in the model are:

The New DevOps Performance Clusters

In 2022, the Accelerate State of DevOps Report contained a few surprises. One was a change to the traditional performance clusters. The report also introduced a new way to group organizations using an extra dimension.

This post introduces you to the original performance clusters, explains the changes, and describes how you can use the new groups.

DevOps Versus SDLC

If you're using a traditional software development life cycle (SDLC) you may have questions about where DevOps fits in. Can the 2 exist together, or are there too many conflicts?

This post addresses the differences between the 2 approaches.

Common Mistakes in DevOps Metrics

Metrics are crucial to DevOps and Continuous Delivery as part of the process of continuous improvement. However, you must balance collecting and displaying data with being flooded with information. You need to decide what data to collect and what smaller set of data you pay attention to at any time.

If your car had a dashboard that displayed every metric it collects through the engine management system, there'd be no space for a windscreen.

Comparing Lean, Agile, and Continuous Delivery

With DevOps and Continuous Delivery gaining traction, are the principles behind Lean and Agile still relevant? How do they compare to the 5 Continuous Delivery principles, and what do any differences mean for software development teams?

The Beginnings of Lightweight Software Delivery

Throughout the 1990s, a revolution was brewing in the software development industry. The early phased models divided the delivery process into skill-based steps, with designs and documents used to run approval processes to control a project.