Future Trends in Data Analytics

The future of business is data

Data is exploding: the IDC says data is growing at 40% annually. By 2025, there will be 175 zettabytes —that’s 175 sextillions bytes-of data floating around the world.

To harness that data and use it to create a competitive advantage can be quite daunting. One way forward-thinking organizations have responded to the challenge is by focusing on streaming data.

Implementing DevOps With Containerization

Traditionally, application development, testing, deployment, and support (monitoring) were all treated as separate entities, and multiple departments were involved in the completion of the software lifecycle. This resulted in a fragmented approach to the process, people, and tools, later impacting the final product performance, features, cost, schedules, and quality.

Business Drivers

Acceptance of cloud platform as the de facto service line brought many changes of procuring and managing infrastructure. As a result, open source tools have earned significant acceptance for each segment of IT function across the world, thereby increasing their popularity and versatility day-by-day. The competitive shift seems visible as there are companies like Oracle and SAP that are also offering Cloud along with Amazon, Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. There are multiple other cloud companies as well apart from the aforementioned vendors. With cloud acceptance, an addition of infrastructure/servers is just a click away which, along with credible open source tools have paved way for Dev-Ops. With open source tools, build, QA, and pre-production machines can be added as exact replicas and configurations as needed, in a fraction of the time.