Self Service — The Key to Unlock DevOps

Enterprises today are dedicating a lot of time and resources to ensure that the apps they build are the best version of themselves in all ways. Meanwhile, developers and IT Ops together are trying to establish a continuous app delivery pipeline that enables effortless app deployment on demand. Yet, not all teams are able to achieve continuous delivery.

Presently, there is more pressure than ever for apps to move faster and be more Agile without compromising on the security or reliability which makes enterprises look for alternative approaches to software development. Apart from adopting modern app architectures, it is essential to change the workflow as well because the old methods of app development cannot be relied upon to speed up app delivery. That is why enterprises all around the world are trying to adopt the DevOps approach. DevOps is defined as the blending of the development and IT operations teams in order to enhance the app delivery process and have a continuous delivery pipeline in place.

VMs vs. Containers for Microservices

In my previous post, I talked about how enterprises can achieve continuous delivery of applications using microservices and containers. Here, I delve deeper to compare containers and VMs from a microservices architecture viewpoint.

In this era of constant evolution, we hear a lot of talk about using containers for microservices and the need to modernize monolithic applications. But, there is always an impending question for an enterprise that arises next and is rarely addressed — why not use VMs instead of containers?

On Microservices and Containers


Modern-day enterprises are largely dependent on software applications to facilitate numerous business requirements. In most enterprises, a software application offers hundreds of functionalities — all piled into one single monolithic application. For instance, ERP and CRM platforms have monolithic architecture and serve hundreds of functionalities efficiently. But, with multiple dependencies overlapping and creating a cluster, the tasks of troubleshooting, scaling, and upgrading them become a nightmare. At times, enterprises try tweaking such monolith applications for their convenience to the point that they cease to serve any real purpose. This is when enterprises start to look for ways of modernizing applications and adopting an architecture that offers flexibility.

The Rise of Microservices

There is a growing demand for microservices architectures amongst enterprises to make the transition to modern delivery. In this architecture, functionalities are designed as independent microservices that are loosely coupled to create one application that can multitask. This method facilitates building applications at scale, where making changes at the component level becomes easy without disturbing other parts of the application.

The Story of Open Standards and the Subsequent Evolution of IT Interoperability

In my previous blog, I discussed the importance of open standards while choosing a tech stack while developing your enterprise application. But the idea of open standards for IT is still a bit new to many people. So, here, I discuss how open standards evolved and why they are so important now.

“Open standards for information technology” seems to be a new term that everyone is talking about recently. But, as a matter of fact, open standards have been here for a long time. The socket and the plug that you use for charging your electronic devices, USB cables that fit perfectly into the given slots, or the WiFi signals that your devices connect to — all of these adhere to open standards. Standards are everywhere, whether you acknowledge them or not.

Open Standards vs. Open Source: Why So Confused While Choosing a Tech Stack?

Any application development requires a lot of planning and preparation before the start of actual app building. Choosing a suitable technology stack, which includes programming languages, tools, and frameworks is a big challenge because it plays a crucial role in the software development lifecycle.

The process of choosing a tech stack is generally based on a wide range of considerations like the capabilities of the technical team and the cost of tools and platforms required for the application development. The software building costs depend on whether you choose open source, freemium or premium frameworks for your tech stack. But, in the process of considering the cost and benefits of individual frameworks, teams sometimes tend to overlook whether the resulting tech stack is compliant to open standards or not. This happens because the terms open source and open standards are often used interchangeably as they are some of the most confused terms in software terminology. Experts at Imaginea say that it is essential to understand and differentiate these terms as both have their own significance and each play a notable role in the complete SDLC.