Employee App: Definition and Top Reasons Why Your Workplace Needs One

Today, technology has become a significant part of our life. It is developing rapidly, while production methods and operation models are changing. The internet has also dramatically revolutionized many different fields of human life, but its use is inevitable. It has become a global means of communication where we can easily play, study, and communicate with many people around the world. In addition, more and more employees are working remotely, more things can be automated, businesses can be home-based, and it is not a breakthrough anymore. In this article, we will review how technology development influenced modern work life and look at the top reasons why every company should consider implementing a modern employee app to improve its productivity, organize a workflow, and get things stabilized.

Influence of Technology Development on Work-Life

The rapid development of technology calls for changes in many different fields. As previously mentioned, technology influences business operations and people’s everyday life. For instance, only ten years ago, no one could imagine that a pocket-sized device would provide access to any information. The knowledge that recently could be accessed through printed materials only is now available to everyone in one click.

Healthcare Digital Transformation: What to Look for in 2021

The adoption of digital and technological advancements in healthcare has been up to the mark at all times. Doctors work toward implementing robotics, while patients look into personalized apps and solutions to facilitate their connection to the system. Yet, the digitalization levels of healthcare systems vary tremendously depending on the continent, region, and country, as the 2020 experience showed. This year will see new challenges associated with the implementation of tech advancements in healthcare, but before getting there, let’s define the concept of digital transformation in healthcare and its current state.

What Is Digital Transformation in Healthcare all About?

The definition of digital transformation states that it is the adoption of digital technologies in a business with the purpose to change and improve that organization. The idea seems to be clear, yet it does not provide what it means for healthcare in particular. The industry is expected to valuate at $210 billion by 2025, so this should be a big deal, right? The world has been talking about healthcare digital transformation trends for quite some time, and, in 2020, we saw many perks, like telemedicine. But is that it? Or maybe digital transformation is something else?

Game Development Trends To Look for in 2021

2020 was a great motivation and, at the same time, a universal delayer when it came to game app development companies. On the one hand, the restrictive measures, the lack of proper delivery systems, and the challenges of self-isolation made game developers think creatively to develop new strategies, reconsider game development balance, and change the primary direction of the gaming sector. On the other hand, the industry lost its revenue, and the analytics have yet to calculate how much the actual income differs from the projections.

Nonetheless, last year brought about many new trends that are likely to persist in the industry for quite a while. Thus, some aspects, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, have acquired a new role, while the socialization of game app development is expected to become one of the top priorities in the short run. Read on to learn about the prevailing trends in the gaming domain and keep your game app development company on track with world leaders.

7 Incredible Digital Innovations in Media and Entertainment

Digital innovations are not a know-how topic in 2020 because the processes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have swept not just manufacturing and traditional industrial practices but literally every field of human life. The process took its time and pace, but this year digitalization of business was significantly speeded up due to lockdowns caused by the ongoing fight with COVID-19. Today businesses that fail to introduce new technologies to their daily operations will not survive the competition; 34% of media and entertainment companies will no longer stay in the market without help from a digital transformation agency.

If you surf the web, you are likely to see the roaring and impressive implementations of robotics in all spheres of business, AI-based algorithms working with Big Data, and the ubiquitous blockchain going far beyond the financial sector. This article, however, focuses on the less famous, yet still groundbreaking elements of media and entertainment digital transformation.

Helping CEOs Make Sense of the Modern IT ‘Acronym Soup’

The domain of enterprise software is littered with acronyms that may be intimidating even to seasoned managers. Things get even murkier for those seeking to develop their own mobile enterprise app and encountering design-specific terms. The fact that some of them are often used interchangeably also doesn’t help. So the best place to start figuring out these terms is to understand their similarities and differences and identify the areas where they overlap.

Acronyms in Enterprise Systems Context


ERP stands for enterprise resource planning – the process of managing business-related data. In the modern business context, the term refers specifically to software solutions that collect, process, store, and interpret data. The idea of ERP was introduced in the domain of manufacturing but has since expanded to cover:

AI and BI: A Perfect Match

The latest analytical tools, including AI, machine learning, working with natural language, are being used now across all industries. BI helps professionals and ordinary employees working with information to automate many aspects of data research, as well as the development and use of data models. Let’s discover how AI is revolutionizing BI with machine learning algorithms and natural language processing.

AI and BI Symbiosis 

Today, there are practically no separate solutions to adjust the analysis of cross-cutting indicators that evaluate the work of several departments and their relationship (including implicit) of an enterprise. AI does not need formulas and algorithms - this is its serious advantage over classical systems. It can fast enough, based only on statistics, perform monitoring of indicators determining implicit relationships and dependencies that affect the work of the entire company.