How To Develop Web Application Using Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, also known as RoR or simply Rails, is an open-source structure for web development in Ruby, a thing object-oriented programming (OOP) language like Perl and Python.

Ruby on Rails is the super-useful better approach to foster full-highlighted web applications. With Ruby on Rails, amazing web applications that once required weeks or months to create would now be able to be delivered in a matter of days. For developing amazing web apps, you can hire ruby of rails developers on a contractual basis.

Deno vs. Node: A Detailed Comparison

What is Deno?

Deno a pristine method to compose worker-side JavaScript. It solves many of the problems that Node does. It was created by the same person as Node. It uses the V8 JavaScript engine under the hood but the rest of the runtime is implemented in Rust and Typescript.

What Reason Does Deno Utilize Rust?

Deno may be a safe TypeScript run-time on Chrome V8. It had been initially written in Go and now has been revamped in Rust to remain far away from potential garbage collector issues. Deno is like Node js yet is centered around security. The rationale that Deno made was JavaScript. Significantly more horrendous than having a competitor who understands your thing back to front, Deno was made expressly to fix what Dahl saw due to the crucial weaknesses of NodeJs — including security issues, use of a centralized repository system (npm), and heavy tooling.

ReactJS Vs. AngularJS

The utilization of JavaScript devices is expanding these days; it is overwhelming to pick the suitable innovation needed at a time. Allow us to talk about the two arising advancement technologies utilized these days, i.e., ReactJS vs. AngularJS.


ReactJS is an open-source library of JavaScript that offers a total bundle of lean engineering and segment-based work processes. It is a specialized language utilized for front-end improvement. Worked by Facebook to answer advanced high delivering execution. The open-source nature of ReactJS is a vital benefit that has maneuvered it into a gigantic, energized and exceptionally dynamic local area.

Pros and Cons of Using Ionic Framework for App Development

Are you planning to build a mobile app for multiple platforms?

React Native, Native Scripts, Xamarin, and Flutter are a few common app development frameworks that may come to your mind. Although they offer a high degree of performance, functionality, and better control, they also result in higher expenses. Instead, you can create advanced and fully functional cross-platform apps using affordable solutions like Ionic frameworks.

The 9 Most Popular PHP Frameworks for Developers


PHP has been the most loved programming language across the globe for decades, and it's for good reasons. PHP development is fast, secure, and rather easy to maintain, plus there's less manual coding, and there are a plethora of libraries. In today's time, it is almost 79% of all websites. 

Different PHP frameworks have helped developers come up with amazing product solutions. So, what are the most common PHP frameworks used by developers? And why are these their choices? We'll be figuring that out in this article, with a bonus of understanding which framework is best for which kind of website. Let's get started.