Custom DynamoDB Docker Instance

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I am back with another article on custom docker instances for databases. In my last post, we saw how we could have our custom docker instance for MySQL. Similarly, in this post, we will see how we can do the same with DynamoDB, so let's get started.

Just like the scenario in the previous article, I was working on a project with DynamoDB as the database due to its many features like scalability, cloud storage, etc. And I wanted to test some things and did not want to mess with the cloud instance, so I thought to make an instance of my own, so what to do?

Custom MySQL Docker Instance

Hi folks, have you ever been in a situation where you were required to set up or mimic the current MySQL instance of any environment? Well recently, I have been in such a situation, and my use case was to test the overall services, so I decided to use Minikube for service deployment as a whole. Now, when I had to deploy a MySQL instance, it was quite a tedious task to run a normal MySQL container and then source the DB script for the database every time a new container comes up.

Sometimes it was quite annoying because the dump takes 10-15 minutes to get populated. Another issue was that if you think that you can dump the file in a running container and the Docker commit will do the trick, it won't!