How Machine Learning Has Disrupted Finance Industry

In the last decade, the finance industry has seen an infusion of cutting-edge technologies like never before. This transformation is largely attributed to many startups that appeared on the scene post 2008 recession and followed a technology-first approach to create financial products and services with a target to improve customer experience. FinTech, as these startups are known, have been the early adopters of the new technologies like Smartphones, Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain and were considered the trendsetters that were later followed by more traditional banks and financial institutes.

The recent advancements in machine learning and deep learning has really pushed the boundaries of computer vision and natural language processing. FinTechs are leaving no stones unturned to capitalize on these breakthroughs to improve financial services. As per a report, the ML Fintech market was valued at $7.27 billion in 2019 and it is expected to grow to $35.40 billion by 2025. Statista forecasts that the entire banking industry overall will be able to derive the business value of  $182 billion globally with machine learning by the year 2025.

Fighting Covid-19 With The Power of AI

All in the world was going well, when suddenly, one day, everything came to a halt with the spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Not just a city or a country, but the whole world was in trouble because of a virus, having no treatment spreading at an unprecedented pace and claiming lives.

It was soon realized that such a powerful virus required something even powerful to combat its spread till a vaccine or a drug was found and thus, promising technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things were given a consideration which did offer a huge helping hand as was desired.