An In-Depth Guide to UAT (User Acceptance Testing)

User Acceptance testing is considered to be both unique and significant as the tester is someone who is not part of the organization and who has built the product. An end-user is the focal point of this testing method that is provided the necessary resources and the required team support to conduct testing in a real-time production environment. In this article, you will obtain detailed information about user acceptance testing.

What Is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

It is a testing method that verifies whether the software product or application is built according to the business and user-specific requirements. The end-user will be given the opportunity to test the product in a real-time environment and then provide their valuable feedback from a performance, functionality, usability, and user experience standpoint. Based on the feedback provided, the team will further modify or alter the product in order to improve its overall quality.

Web Performance Testing — What, Why, How of Core Web Vitals

A website needs to be constantly tested and optimized to be in line with Google's web and SEO guidelines. As a result, it has an advantage over others in terms of visibility, brand image, and driving traffic. However, to tactically assess the website's performance, it needs to be measured in a well-thought-out manner. Core Web Vitals is a key performance metric that analyzes the website's performance by investigating the data and provides a strategic platform to scale up the website's user experience. This article will learn about web performance testing and how Core Web Vitals plays a crucial and strategic part in it.

What Is Web Performance Testing?

Web performance testing is executed, so that accurate information is provided on the application's readiness by monitoring the server-side application and testing the website. This is done by simulating a load that is in line with real conditions so that the expected load can be supported by the application that has been evaluated.