Cloud Performance and Load Testing

This article presents the most recent Cloud, multi-region benchmark tests conducted in December 2023, explores how to carry out performance testing, detailing hands-on methods you can apply yourself, and provides recent benchmark data for your reference.

The benchmark tool we used can be found here.

Comparing Message Queues and Message Brokers: Understanding the Differences

In modern distributed computing systems, messaging has become an essential way of enabling different applications and systems to communicate with each other in a microservice architecture. Message queues and message brokers are two popular technologies used in messaging systems, but many people confuse or use the two terms interchangeably. In this article, we will explore the key differences between message queues and message brokers and provide an understanding of when and why you would use one technology over the other. Additionally, the article will clarify whether it’s possible to use message queues and message brokers together for communication between software applications. By the end of this article, you will better understand what message brokers and message queues are alongside their differences.

Let’s get started!

GraphQL vs Protobuf: Differences, Similarities, and Uses

Both GraphQL and Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) are types of formats for transferring data between client and server. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and are used in different contexts, depending on the specific requirements of an application.

GraphQL is a query language and API runtime designed to provide a consistent and flexible way to fetch and manipulate data. It enables clients to specify the exact data required and makes it simple to evolve APIs over time without breaking existing client code.

GraphQL vs REST: Differences, Similarities, and Why To Use Them

Modern applications allow us to get connected to the world like never before. However, how is this structure so effective in providing a robust connection between different applications and data sharing between different devices? API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers to build complex features and expose application functionalities as resources.

The purpose of an API is to communicate between the client and server. This includes the processes of data transfers, data security, and distribution to different networks and third-party applications. The beauty of APIs is that anyone can access information and features that would otherwise be unobtainable without the need to provide any custom code or integrations.


REST or gRPC, which should you choose? In this article, we will look at gRPC and REST client-server architectures for communication and compare their strengths and weaknesses and the factors you should consider to make the right choice.

The popular client-server architecture divides communication into two parts: