Complete List of WAI ARIA Roles and Their Uses

Web accessibility is the process of making your website equally usable to people of all abilities and disabilities. It’s about understanding that users with disabilities may use assistive technologies to access the web. As a website owner, it is your duty to ensure that you make your website adequately compatible with such assistive technologies. WAI ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of guidelines published by the W3C. It defines additional HTML attributes that you can apply to your tags. These attributes help improve accessibility and make your DOM structure more readable by assistive technologies.

10+ Best JavaScript Books to Read in 2020 (Beginner and Advanced)

Believe it or not, JavaScript is the most used programming language in the world. Probably the fact that it’s available on every system that runs a web browser has something to do with that. It is also the most accessible of the programming languages. Today, we look at the most popular, most comprehensive, and best JavaScript books this year.

5 of the Best Cloud Hosting Providers for WordPress Sites in 2019

Past the world of entry-level hosting is where you can find the next step up – the tier of the best cloud hosting providers (for WordPress). But how to navigate these waters? This post will guide you in making the right choice. We look at the best cloud hosting providers in the market today and assess them on various parameters based on your requirements.

6 of the Best Cross Browser Testing Tools – In-Depth Comparison for 2019

Why care for best cross browser testing tools? Cross browser testing is a process of assessing the functionality of your web application on various browsers before pushing changes to production. In this post, we cover the best cross browser testing tools. We take into account various aspects such as cost considerations and ability to automate the whole process.

Bootstrap vs Foundation vs Bulma vs Semantic vs UIkit

Over the last few years, the browsing habits of end users have evolved to include a variety of devices. As a result, responsive web design is a necessity for every website that is developed today. However, creating a responsive design from scratch for every project can be time-consuming. One great solution that makes your life easier is to use a CSS framework. Such a framework takes care of basic responsive design principles for you. In this comparison, we take a look at some of the best CSS frameworks out there and see which is best. Here’s Bootstrap vs Foundation vs Bulma vs Semantic vs UIkit.

What’s the Best Cloud IDE in 2019? Here Are 9 of the Top Options

Traditionally, it was common for developers to create code using your everyday text editors. From the local machine to the server, terminal-based text editors like VIM and Emacs (as well as GUI-based text editors like SublimeText) are still the go-to options for many developers. However, the increasing popularity of cloud services leads to the rise of cloud IDEs. In this post, we cover the most popular and functional options of today, and try to find the best cloud IDE in 2019.

What Is Gatsby? Is It a WordPress Competitor?

With so many options to create a website or blog in 2019 out there, there’s this new thing called Gatsby – the youngest player to the game that might just be a viable alternative to the classic paths of WordPress, Joomla and the lot. Or is it? What is Gatsby, anyway? How easy is it to set up and deploy a site on Gatsby? How does Gatsby compare to WordPress? That’s a lot of questions to answer.

A Different WordPress Development Tutorial: How to Automate Your Workflow

As a WordPress developer, staying up to date with the recent techniques and trends can be intimidating. Take automation, for example – are you on top of what can be done in terms of automating your workflow? Not quite? Okay, this article can help you with that. It is a bit different from your usual WordPress development tutorial, though. It focuses on automating whatever can be automated when working on your next WordPress project.

Angular vs Vue vs React: Which Framework to Choose in 2019

Just about a year ago, developers were mainly debating on whether they should be using Angular or React for their projects. But over the course of 2018, we saw a growth of interest in a third player called Vue.js. Looking forward into 2019, this post is a comprehensive guide on which is perhaps the right solution for you: Angular vs Vue vs React.

Website Speed Optimization: How to Do It in 2019

About a decade back, Google announced that that site speed would affect web search ranking. Although the post did not clarify the impact of speed on the rankings, webmasters reading the announcement understood that website speed optimization should be at the top of their development plans.