Platform Setup: How to Structure Your Infrastructure Repository

Welcome to the Platform Setup series, a collection of blog posts where I'll be sharing my insights and experiences from deploying applications in enterprises. With a particular focus on Banking and Insurance companies.

I've been part of dynamic teams ranging in size from 20 to 40 talented individuals, each one contributing to the grand mosaic of software development. We've journeyed from traditional software development methodologies to the cutting-edge vistas of DevOps, Kubernetes, and beyond, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth.

Guide: How to Mask Sensitive Information Using Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit is a popular open-source log processor and forwarder that allows you to collect data from different sources, filter, and transform it before forwarding it to different destinations. In some cases, the data collected may contain sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other personally identifiable information (PII). To protect such information, you need to mask or obfuscate it before forwarding it to the destination. In this document, we will discuss how to mask sensitive information using Fluent Bit.

The goal of this guide is to convert structured logs that contain PII information like (mobile numbers, identity information, names, etc.)
{"timestamp":"2023-06-05T17:04:33.505+05:30","requestURI":"/api/user","message":"Sending SMS to mobileNumber=1234512345 registered on aadhaarNumber=1234512345"}
to a format where this information is masked.
{"@timestamp":"2023-06-05T17:04:33.505+05:30","requestURI":"/api/user","message":"Sending SMS to mobileNumber=******** registered on aadhaarNumber=********"}

Journey of HTTP Request in Kubernetes

In the previous article, we learned about the journey of deployment creation in Kubernetes. Which helped us understand almost every aspect of the core system components of Kubernetes, but it missed the following components:

  • Cloud Control Manager
  • Kube Proxy

We will use the same technique as the previous article to understand the above components. We will take a Kubernetes feature and break its implementation to understand how it interacts with the Kubernetes system components.

Kubernetes Services Explained

Kubernetes networking principles are really confusing, especially if you’re a beginner.

Regardless of how well I followed the official documentation, I honestly didn’t understand a single damn thing!

What I Have Understood About DevOps

When I first heard the term DevOps, What I understood from my peers is that,

“The process of deploying the application in any environment (dev/QA/prod) is called DevOps. It’s just another synonym for operations.”