Provisioning Postgres From Docker to Kubernetes

In this post, we will see how to create a Postgres container using Docker and restart Postgres containers without losing data. At the end of the article, we will deploy Postgres inside Kubernetes pods with a custom deployment that utilizes ConfigMaps and StatefulSets. Previously, we covered how to deploy Postgres inside Kubernetes using Helm charts - the Kubernetes package management system.

Why Use Containerized Databases?

Creating a container for a database may seem to add unnecessary overhead compared to simply installing it on a server. However, it allows users to bring all the advantages of containers to bear on their databases.

String Operations on Phone Numbers in SQL

When dealing with SQL databases, users will have to interact with different data types and schemas depending on the project's requirements. Since databases are used in many different applications and support multiple platforms, devices, and users, there may be differences in how data is entered, even in a simple field like a phone number.

For example, one set of users will enter the phone number with the country code, while the others may simply ignore the country code. Therefore, it is essential for database users to know how to clean data in a SQL database. In this post, we will see how to utilize SQL string operations on phone number fields to properly clean, format, and extract data.

Build Pivot Tables in MySQL Using User Variables

One of the most prominent tasks when dealing with databases is to properly filter and extract meaningful data from the underlying database. Due to that, there can be requirements to pivot the data from rows to columns leading to the creation of pivot tables to visualize data better.

Some databases like Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle come with inbuilt functionality to create a pivot table using the inbuilt pivot() function. However, this function is not available in some databases such as MySQL and MariaDB. In this post, we will discuss how to create pivot tables in MySQL without depending on any special functions.

Utilizing BigQuery as A Data Warehouse in A Distributed Application


Data plays an integral part in any organization. With the data-driven nature of modern organizations, almost all businesses and their technological decisions are based on the available data. Let's assume that we have an application distributed across multiple servers in different regions of a cloud service provider, and we need to store that application data in a centralized location. The ideal solution for that would be to use some type of database. However, traditional databases are ill-suited to handle extremely large datasets and lack the features that would help data analysis. In that kind of situation, we will need a proper data warehousing solution like Google BigQuery.

What is Google BigQuery?

BigQuery is an enterprise-grade, fully managed data warehousing solution that is a part of the Google Cloud Platform. It is designed to store and query massive data sets while enabling users to manage data via the BigQuery data manipulation language (DML) based on the standard SQL dialect.

Top 6 Tools to Test Rest APIs


Rest APIs are a vital part of every digital application nowadays. It’s crucial to verify that APIs are working fine before applications are delivered to end-users. Rest APIs testing is carried out manually as well as automatically. When testing Rest APIs, we send various HTTP/S requests using GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods to ensure that the functionality is working great. Rest APIs testing also includes validating response versus the defined inputs, checking the accuracy of response, and checking HTTP status codes and error codes.

There are many open source and commercial testing tools that can be used to test Rest APIs. Within this article, let’s analyze the best fit among them for your testing demands.

Deploy and Manage PostgreSQL on Kubernetes

PostgreSQL database is an enterprise-grade, open-source object-relational database system focused on providing a highly scalable and robust platform while conforming to SQL standards. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform designed to be easily deployable in any environment. It enables users to easily deploy and manage containerized applications.

Utilizing Kubernetes to deploy a PostgreSQL instance allows users to leverage the strengths of both platforms. Furthermore, it enables users to create a highly portable and scalable PostgreSQL instance in a Kubernetes cluster. In this article, we will discuss how to easily deploy a PostgreSQL pod in Kubernetes.

Why Your Business Should Not Delay Switching Over to VoIP

Have you ever heard of VoIP? Want to safeguard your business against the unforeseen setbacks and disasters? Maybe now is the best time to consider why your business should upgrade to VoIP.

The business world is very much different from what it used to be a few years ago. Today, everyone has firsthand experience in grasping how much of a real threat a pandemic like COVID-19 is to running your company. It has threatened the very economy all the businesses thrive on and has refrained them from running their daily operations. 

Why Use SQL Over Excel

SQL is replacing Excel in many fields, and data analysis is certainly one of them. If you are still using Excel as a data analyst, you are missing something very valuable. SQL can make your life easier, as it’s more efficient and faster than Excel. How and from where can you learn SQL?

You may also like: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of SQL

Difference Between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in Simple Words

For someone who is learning SQL, one of the most common places to get stuck is when learning the GROUP BY command. GROUP BY and ORDER BY are two important keywords in SQL that we use to organize data. The difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY is that ORDER BY is more simple than GROUP BY and is usually introduced early in an SQL course.

Sometimes, people are quite confused over these two concepts (SQL ORDER BY vs. GROUP BY), and the reason behind this confusion is a lack of understanding of both concepts. While both of them are used to arrange data based on their values, their use cases vastly differ from each other. If we learn both these concepts properly, the confusion will naturally go away.

Get Started With a Web Components Grid in 5 Minutes

Smart HTML elements is a lightweight and easy to use web components framework. It is built using CSS, HTML, and Javascript. It enables cross-browser compatible web applications with custom elements used in web components. It contains more than 30 UI components and has a user interface that works on mobile and on PCs. It is native and does not have any dependencies and works with any framework like Angular, React, and Vue.js.

This article explains Smart HTML Grid and its features. The Grid component can be easily integrated into web pages. It has many features like filtering, sorting, pagination, etc.

Get Started With Vue Grid in 5 Minutes

Vue is the most responsive and progressive framework which is widely used in Single Page Applications. It provides one of the more powerful and flexible ways to display data in a tabular format using the JQWidget Grid component. Grid components are widely used to show smaller/larger sets of data in readable format. You can show read-only views or editable views.

In this article, we will quickly implement JQwidget grid components in Vue with very little coding and configuration.