RDLC reporting with parameters

I have a parameter in a RDLC report named "allocated_jobs"

There are no Available Values assigned.
It has 1 Specify Values: RTrim(Allocated = "True")

ie; Only rows with field name Allocated and it's contents equal "True" are to be in the report.

Me.JobsDataReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "Data_Reporting.JobsList.rdlc"
*Data_Reporting is the stored report path in my.settings*

Dim param_allocatedjobs As New ReportParameter("allocated_jobs")
Dim reportparameters() As ReportParameter = {param_allocatedjobs}




The report runs fine, no errors, but without the desired return of the parameter.

All help welcome, thankyou.


DateTime in TextBox (Visual Basic)

My textbox datatype is DateTime.

Using the click event of a button, this code is placed following MyTableBindingSourceAddNew()

Dim CurrentDateTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yy hh:mm:ss")
Me.SaleDateTextBox.Text = CurrentDateTime

I then update table with TableAdapter.

On my form I have a dropdown combobox in a toolbar, display member being "SaleDate"
This displays DateTime, but time is always 12:00:00AM
The SaleDateTextbox.Text populates as Date.Now.

I am not getting correct date and time in both textbox and combobox.

All help appreciated.


Visual Studio Chart display

Hello. I am creating a column chart in Visual Studio 2022 writing in Visual Basic.

The Sql table has a percentage field that is the YValueMember on the chart, ie; 1.2, 2.7, 8.9 ect..

The problem is the YValueMember display only displays with a decimal point on one of the rows, the other is rounded with no decimal.

Any help please, Shane.

Error with Day Function

Hi all.

I have this code and it is correct.

Dim logDayName As String = WeekdayName(Weekday(LogDateTextBox.Text))
Dim logMonthName As String = MonthName(Month(LogDateTextBox.Text))

The following code is an error on the Day function.

 Dim logMonthDay As Integer = Day(LogDateTextBox.Text)

Please offer assistance. Thank you, Shane.