The EVM Compatibility Chronicles — Part I

Did you know that by June 2022, there were already over 3,000 dApps on Ethereum, and more than 1.45 million smart contracts were deployed in the same year? And this number just keeps on growing! 

With such a vast and rapidly expanding development ecosystem, there is no doubt that Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Compatibility is significant for any project in Web3. But there's a catch to it!

Web Design vs Web Development

Web design and web development are two important areas in website building. In truth, many people use these terms interchangeably, not realizing that they are different —albeit related — concepts. It's wise to know the differences between web design and web development, especially if you plan on making your own website.

Let's try to explain these two concepts in simple terms.

9 Software Development Mistakes Leading to Cyber Attacks

 Developers are at the base of any software, and from the very early stages, they have to think not only about the performance and effectiveness of the product but also about its security.

However, few programmers follow methods of writing secure code or aspects of cryptography. Keeping cybersecurity techniques and potential vulnerabilities constantly in mind is a daunting task, especially for a beginner.

3 Ways to Select Features Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

Artificial intelligence which gives machines the ability to think and behave like humans are gaining traction since the last decade. These features of artificial intelligence are only there because of its ability to predict certain things accurately, these predictions are based upon one certain technology which we know as machine learning (ML). Machine learning as the name suggests is the computer’s ability to learn new things and improve its functionality over time. The main focus of machine learning is on the development of computer programs that are capable of accessing data and using it to learn for themselves. 

To implement machine learning algorithms, two programming languages, R and Python for machine learning are normally used. Generally, selecting features for training data on machine learning in python is a very complex and technical process. But here we will go over some basic techniques and details regarding what is machine learning and how it works. So, let us start by going into detail regarding what ML is, what feature selection is and how can one select feature using python.