Getting Rid of EXTENDED STRING Data Type

As you may have noticed in our release history, the EXTENDED STRING data type was removed almost a year ago. To be precise, it was more a merge of the STRING and EXTENDED STRING data than the removal of the latter. This means now you can safely use STRING data type for any kind of characters (including emojis??) without worrying if the column would support it. In addition, the sorting order for multiple non-Latin languages has been fixed automatically.

Relieving developers from the hassle of two string types has always been one of our main goals, and this is another small step in that direction.

Secure Your Data Service API Calls

Today, we’re going to take another look at security configurations in Backendless. In this article, we will talk about how to restrict the direct access to your data via API and only expose your custom API endpoints. This does not mean you should use some other set of “admin” APIs for data management. Instead, it is accomplished by setting up proper security settings.

Backendless provides ways to set up really granular permissions for your resources, including even row-level security in your data tables. But for this task, we’re only going to need system roles and global permissions. Thus, it won’t require you to do a lot of configurations or create additional assets, such as custom roles.

How to Create a Data Table via Console API

If you've worked with Backendless API for a while, you may occasionally run into a situation where the functionality you'd like to have isn't readily available. One such function is the programmatic management of your application's data tables. For instance, you may need to clear up all the data and recreate the table structure with specific columns on demand while developing your app. This article will show you how to do that and more.

The Backendless Console API

Backendless essentially has two APIs: the Client API and the Console API. The former is the one used by Backendless' Client SDKs and which is in effect in our REST SDK. The latter is the API that the Developers' Console is using, hence the name. Different providers may have different names for that one, such as Admin API or Management API, so be aware that the terms may sometimes be used interchangeably.