Advice on implementing a basic minmax algorithm for Connect-4

I've been working on the GUI portion of my C++ Connect-N game project, and have gotten it to would could charitably be called a working state. However, the game AI, not to put it to finely, stinks.

I was wondering if anyone here has more experience in implementing a minmax algorithm, and can offer any advice on how to get it to play a suitably challenging game.

The minmax code is:

#ifndef __CONNECTN_AI_H__
#define __CONNECTN_AI_H__ 1

#include <vector>
#include "connectnboard.h"

namespace ConnectN

    typedef intmax_t Weight;
    typedef uint8_t Depth;
    const Weight infinity = INTMAX_MAX, neg_infinity = INTMAX_MIN;

    struct Node
        Board board;
        Grid_Size column;
        Weight weight;
        Depth depth;
        Node(const Board& b, Grid_Size c, Weight w, Depth d): board(b), column(c), weight(w), depth(d) {};
        Node(const Node& n);
        void operator=(const Node& n);

    class Solver
        Board& board;
        Depth search_depth;
        Node negamax(Node node, Depth depth, Weight alpha, Weight beta, Weight color);
        std::vector<Node> enumerate_moves(Node node);
        void order_moves(std::vector<Node>& children);
        Weight evaluate_move(Node& node);
        Weight evaluate_node(Node& node);
        Weight weight_column(Grid_Size c);

        Solver(Board& b, Depth d);
        Grid_Size move();

        friend class Board;



#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include "connectnboard.h"
#include "connectn_AI.h"

namespace ConnectN

    Node::Node(const Node& n)
        this->board = n.board;
        this->column = n.column;
        this->weight = n.weight;
        this->depth = n.depth;

    void Node::operator=(const Node& n)
        this->board = n.board;
        this->column = n.column;
        this->weight = n.weight;
        this->depth = n.depth;

    Solver::Solver(Board& b, Depth d = 3): board(b), search_depth(d)


    Grid_Size Solver::move()
        Node top = {this->board, 0, neg_infinity, this->search_depth};
        Node found = this->negamax(top, this->search_depth, neg_infinity, infinity, 1);
        return found.column;

    Node Solver::negamax(Node node, Depth depth, Weight alpha, Weight beta, Weight color)

        if (depth == 0 || == COMPUTER)
            return (Node {node.board, node.column, color * node.weight, depth});
        std::vector<Node> children = enumerate_moves(node);

        Node value = {node.board, node.column, neg_infinity, depth};

        for (auto child : children)
            value.column = child.column;
            Node recursive_value = negamax(child, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, -color);
            value.weight = std::max(value.weight, -recursive_value.weight);
            alpha = std::max(value.weight, alpha);
            if (alpha >= beta)

        return value;

    std::vector<Node> Solver::enumerate_moves(Node node)
        std::vector<Node> children;
        for (Grid_Size i = 0; i < node.board.size(); i++)
            Node child = {node.board, i, 0, static_cast<Depth>(node.depth-1)};
            if (!child.board.add_at(i))
            if (child.depth != this->search_depth)
            child.weight = evaluate_move(child);
        return children;

    void Solver::order_moves(std::vector<Node>& children)
                  [](Node first, Node second)
                          return (first.weight < second.weight);

    Weight Solver::evaluate_move(Node& node)
        Grid_Size size = node.board.size();
        Weight weight = 0;
        Grid_Size column = node.column;
        Grid_Size midpoint = std::ceil(size/2);

        // add weight depending on whether the token is on the 
        // center column(s).
        if (size % 2)
            if (node.column == midpoint)
                weight += 4; 
            // if there are two central columns, weight half as much
            // as you would if there is only one
            if (column == midpoint-1 || column == midpoint)
                weight += 2; 

        weight += evaluate_node(node);
        return weight;

     * Weight Solver::weight_column(Grid_Size c) - 
     * @param c - total number of 
    Weight Solver::weight_column(Grid_Size c)
        Weight weight = 0;
        Grid_Size max = this->board.winning_count;
        Grid_Size midpoint = std::floor(max/2);

        if (c >= this->board.winning_count)
            // winning move, weight it the maximum amount
            weight = 1000;
            // for every token beyond half the winning amount,
            // increase the weighting by 2
            Weight weighted_count = c - midpoint;
            weight = std::max(0, static_cast<int>(weighted_count+1)) * 2;

        return weight;

     * Weight Solver::evaluate_column(Node& node)
     * - scan the neighboring square of a given square to see if there 
     *   is a winning sequence.
     * @param node - version of board to evaluate
    Weight Solver::evaluate_node(Node& node)
        Weight weight = 0;
        Player p = node.board.current_player();
        Grid_Size size = node.board.size();    
        Grid_Size offset = node.board.winning_count, 
            target = static_cast<Grid_Size>(node.board.winning_count - 1),
            row = std::max(0, node.board.column_top(node.column) - 1),
            column = node.column;

        bool check_up = (row < (size - target)),
            check_left = (column > offset), 
            check_right = (column < (size - offset));

        if (check_right)
            Grid_Size count = 1;
            for (Grid_Size c = column; c < std::min(size, column + offset) && (node.board.grid[row][c] == p); c++, count++)
                // iterate through
            weight += weight_column(count); 

        if (check_up)
            Grid_Size count = 1;

            for (Grid_Size r = row; (r < std::min(size, row + offset)) && (node.board.grid[r][column] == p); r++, count++)
                // iterate through
            weight += weight_column(count);

        if (check_left)
            Grid_Size count = 1;
            for (Grid_Size r = row, c = column, count = 0; 
                 (r < (row + offset)) && (c >= (column - target)) && (node.board.grid[r][c] == p); 
                 r++, c--, count++)
                // iterate through
            weight += weight_column(count);

        if (check_right)
            Grid_Size count = 1;
            for (Grid_Size r = row, c = column, count = 0; 
                 (r < std::min(size, row + offset)) && (c < std::min(size, column + offset)) && (node.board.grid[r][c] == p); 
                 r++, c++, count++)
                // iterate through
            weight += weight_column(count);

        return weight;


Opinions: Is this template worthwhile as a stand-alone project?

Ranged Numeric Types in C++

I've started writing a simple template class for automating range checking in specialized numeric types, inspired by the ranged types in languages such as Pascal and Ada. At the moment it is mainly meant for integer types, though I've made it flexible enough that it should work with floating-point types (I may need to revisit this later).

It is just a stub at this point, but it should make it easier to define numeric types which don't fit the usual 8/16/32/64 bit signed and unsigned sizes. It allow the client-programmer to select a base type define both a lower and an upper bound, and define how it should behave on either underflow or overflow (with the choices at the moment being to wrap around; to saturate at the boundary; or to throw an exception). The usual arithmetic operators will all be supported.

The question I have is this: is this really a useful class to write, and will others find it useful enough that it is worth providing publicly? Can you think of use cases where this would make things easier for someone working on a real-world project?