MS Edge – Has it stopped the madness?

After complaining for months to MS to stop Edge from adding websites to my Quick Links bar, it seems to have stopped. Nothing was more frustrating than reading some news pages then having to delete a ton of links from Quick Links. Is this your experience?

Windows 11 Display Resolution after Sleep Mode

Has anyone experienced the function Windows SystemParametersInfo reporting a different display resolution after returning from sleep mode? My display is 3840X2160, which the SystemParametersInfo reports accurately. However, upon returning from sleep mode, SystemParametersInfo gives a resolution of 2560x1392, which doesn't match any configuration in the Windows Registry under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers. The actual screen resolution has not changed - the desktop is 3840X2160, but the function reports 2560x1392.

Waiting a while thinking everything hasn't woken up yet doesn't seem to help. Problematic when your program needs to find the right edge of the screen.

VB6 and Windows 11

In case you're wondering, VB6 programs run on Windows 11. Programs with a manifest have the appropriate Windows 11 appearance. The IDE works as well, although it seems to aggravate the known Windows 11 Taskbar flickering issue, but it settles down quickly.

The only issue I have found so far is that command button mnemonics do not appear after pressing the Alt key is you use a manifest. This can be solved by 1) not using a manifest file, or 2) changing the Windows setting to always show mnemonics.

Please note, I started with Windows 10 and upgraded to Windows 11. I assume an original Windows 11 install would work the same.

Best wishes to all.