Extreme Programming Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Extreme programming, or XP, is a typical agile development framework based on discovering the simplest thing that works without putting too much effort into long-term product view. It provides principles and values to guide the team's behavior.

Although XP can be leveraged as a stand-alone agile approach for highly experienced teams, it truly shines when combined with Scrum or other Agile methodologies.

Component Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Component testing is a subset of software testing that involves validating every component of software applications independently without merging them. In the context of architecture, it often relates to module testing. A software application usually consists of several parts or components, and component testing addresses each of these components independently. Component testing is one of the most common forms of black-box testing performed by the testing team.

Each component of the software or application will be tested individually in accordance with a test strategy and test plan. For each of these components, a test scenario is defined, which is further subdivided into high-level test cases to low-level detailed test cases.

Cucumber Selenium Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Cucumber is a well-known Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework that allows developers to implement end-to-end testing. The combination of Selenium with Cucumber provides a powerful framework that will enable you to create functional tests in an easy way.

It allows you to express acceptance criteria in language that business people can read and understand, along with the steps to take to verify that they are met. The Cucumber tests are then run through a browser-like interface that allows you to see what's happening in your test at each step.

Test Data Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

The test data is similar to the production data used by test cases when testing software applications. It is typically collected in the test data document used by test cases and scripts. Unless test data is designed in advance, test cases may not cover all scenarios and ultimately impact software quality.

As software applications become more complicated and testing more rigorous, the amount of test data being ingested by testers has increased exponentially during the information and technology revolution.

Cypress Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Cypress is an open-source, full-featured, and easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework for web application testing. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining a lot of traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.2K) and Stars (36.6K) for the project.

Unlike Selenium, Cypress is preferred by front-end developers and automation testers who are well-versed in JavaScript. However, Cypress is slowly catching up with Selenium, and the six-month download trend comparison of Cypress and Selenium indicates that the war between the two frameworks will continue to intensify in the coming months.

System Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

System testing, also known as system-level testing, involves evaluating how the various components of an application interact in a fully integrated system. It is carried out on the entire system under either functional or design requirements.

It helps you find flaws, gaps, or needs that are lacking in the software application's overall functionality. It validates the design, behavior, and customer expectations of the system. Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is necessary to function the system outside the specified restrictions.

Software Quality Tutorial: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Software quality describes the characteristics of a software product that make it capable of meeting the needs of its users and stakeholders. Basically, it measures how well a piece of software performs the functions for which it was designed, as well as how well it complies with its requirements. The quality of a software product can play an important role in its success and users' satisfaction.

According to a report, the economic impact of bad software quality in the US is approximately $2.08 trillion. It covers failed software projects, inadequate software quality in legacy systems, and operational software failures. Besides the monetary loss, bad software quality tarnishes the brand's reputation.