Getting Started With Prometheus

Prometheus has become the de facto standard for the monitoring and alerting of distributed systems and architecture. Designed to overcome shortcomings in existing monitoring solutions, including a lack of scalability and deployment challenges, its core architecture, data collection and discovery services, and third-party integrations help to derive greater value.

In this Refcard, we explore the core components of the Prometheus architecture and key concepts — then focus on getting up and running with Prometheus, including configuration and both collecting and working with data.

Getting Started With Log Management

The reality of modern application design means that when an unexpected issue occurs, the ability to find the root cause can be difficult. This is where the concept of centralized log management can provide a great deal of assistance. This Refcard teaches you the basic flow of a log management process, provides a comprehensive checklist of questions to consider when evaluating log management solutions, advises you on what you should and should not log, and covers advanced functionality for log management.

Advanced Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a distributed cluster technology that manages container-based systems in a declarative manner using an API. There are currently many learning resources to get started with the fundamentals of Kubernetes, but there is less information on how to manage Kubernetes infrastructure on an ongoing basis. This Refcard aims to deliver advanced-level quick, accessible information for operators using any Kubernetes product.

Kubernetes Security Essentials

Covering the essentials of security in Kubernetes environments, this Refcard addresses the three primary areas of attack within a Kubernetes cluster. Security concepts range from the software supply chain — images, build systems, and container registry security — to Kubernetes infrastructure, as well as deploy-time and runtime security. Key examples like threat vectors, security measures, and vulnerability and violation types within each section will help you continue strengthening your Kubernetes environment security as you automate and scale the deployment and management of your cloud-native applications.

Tom’s Tech Notes: What You Need to Know About Big Data [Podcast]

Welcome to our latest episode of Tom's Tech Notes! In this episode, we'll hear advice from a host of industry experts on the most important things you need to know about big data. Learn some tips around data quality, big data app development, data governance, and more.

The Tom's Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides. We put out new episodes every Sunday at 11 AM EST.

Introduction to Serverless Monitoring

Serverless models allow cloud providers to fully manage the provisioning and allocation of servers, as well as run applications in a stateless, ephemeral container when triggered by an event. This is incredibly useful for companies to be able to only charge customers for the time a function is running as well as for companies with unpredictable traffic because they don’t have to pay for idle resources. In our Introduction to Serverless Monitoring Refcard, you’ll get an introduction to serverless computing and monitoring, learn how serverless can play a role in IoT and machine learning, see how monitoring and observability differ, and more.

Tom’s Tech Notes: What You Need to Know About Automated Testing [Podcast]

Welcome to our latest episode of Tom's Tech Notes! In this episode, we'll hear advice from a host of industry experts on what you need to know about automated testing. Learn some tips around automated testing, testing at scale, and how to practice effective test automation. 

The Tom's Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides. We put out new episodes every Sunday at 11 AM EST.

Building Microservices With Redis

The enterprise app software market is growing at an annual rate of 10.4% — so it’s crucial that these applications both deliver high-speed data processing and accommodate specific business requirements. Adopting a rapidly deployable microservices architecture can bring greater flexibility and agility, but this requires you to pay significant attention to how you share data between microservices and prepare for communication at scale. Redis offers open-source solutions with high availability and durability for building reliable event stores for trading microservice messages. This Refcard will teach you about types of data processing in microservices, using Redis Streams for interservices communication, optimizing microservices, and more.

Code Review Patterns and Anti-Patterns

The code review process is crucial for quality assurance, and there are many ways of going about it. Patterns for code review make this process run a lot more smoothy. This Refcard covers eight of the most popular patterns: long-running PRs, self-merging PRs, heroing, over-helping, “just one more thing,” rubber stamping, knowledge silos, and a high bus factor.

Software Usage Analytics for Data-Driven Development

Software usage analytics can help you uncover UI/UX problems, optimize trial periods, prioritize feature enhancements, measure user adoption, and more. Gartner predicts that by 2021, 75% of software providers will rely on insights from embedded software usage analytics to inform major product decisions and measure customer happiness. In this Refcard, you’ll learn about the challenges that software usage analytics can help developers solve, see how software usage analytics can track product and conversion metrics, look at specific software usage analytics use cases, and more.

Securing Mobile Applications With Cert Pinning

Securing your mobile applications with cert pinning will help you ward off man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks, verify users using trusted certificates, and secure HTTPS network traffic. In this Refcard, you’ll learn about what MiTM attacks are, how to implement cert pinning on both iOS and Android apps, and how to test and maintain your certificate pinning.