Why GraphQL Is a Superior Choice for Building Microservices?

In the evolving landscape of software development, the debate between using REST and GraphQL for building microservices is becoming increasingly relevant. Both technologies have their proponents and critics, but when it comes to the specific needs of microservices architectures, GraphQL emerges as the clear front-runner. Here's why.

Understanding the RESTful Concerns

Popularity vs. Limitations

While REST has been the go-to API style for many years, lauded for its simplicity and general applicability, its limitations become glaringly apparent in the context of microservices. These limitations include:

SpringBoot: Performance War

Performance Matrix of Reactive APIs With WebFulx and Redis

Reactive Systems are designed to address challenges posed by modern software systems - the challenges related to a large number of users and high throughput. Reactive systems are expected to be highly responsive, resilient, elastic and message-driven.

In this article we will:

Should I Parallelize Java 8 Streams?

[Java] parallel streams

In Java 8, the streams API is easy to iterate over collections, and it's easy to parallelize a stream by calling the parallelStream() method. But should we be using parallelStream() wherever we can? What are the considerations? 

You may also like: Think Twice Before Using Java 8 Parallel Streams

Look at the following ParallelStreamTester class to generate collections of different sizes for the purpose of testing parallel streams performance against a sequential stream.