Web Application Development Trends 2023

No matter what your needs are, there is surely an application to achieve them. Thanks to technological advancements, applications are no longer restricted to desktop applications. Today you have mobile apps for handheld devices, desktop software for all OS environments, and device-independent web apps for achieving day-to-day activities. Currently, most businesses are opting for web applications as they are:

  • Cross-platform compatible
  • Easy to manage
  • Quick to deploy
  • Completely secure
  • Cost-effective

When it comes to choosing the base technology for creating your web application, there exists a plethora of front-end, back-end, and full-stack technologies available. Keeping in tune with the advancements in the demands of the customers, trends tend to change frequently, and businesses need to match steps with the changing trends to remain competitive. In such scenarios, it is better to opt for customized web application development.

Laravel vs. Yii: Best PHP Framework for Web Development

PHP is a popular general-purpose programming language that is excellent for creating websites and can be incorporated into HTML. 3,090,319 active websites are still utilizing PHP, according to Built with. Other than PHP's fundamental functionality, developers have other options when it comes to building useful web applications. Laravel is a straightforward PHP framework originally developed as a superior alternative to Code igniter, which is often used for developing web-based or web applications. An open-source PHP framework called Yii Framework allows for the quick development of contemporary Web applications. Despite being both extensions of the PHP language, the two frameworks each have unique features that provide them a competitive advantage.

Components of Laravel

Some of the integral components of Laravel Framework are:

Importance of Mobile App Development in Today’s Era

Reflect on the five things you don’t forget to carry when stepping outside.

Is your mobile or internet-enabled handheld devices one of them? If yes, you belong to 95% of the world’s population. Modern phones are no longer only the means of calling someone but can provide premium services such as navigation, photography, music/video playback, Voice over Internet Protocol communications, etc.

Differences Between Laravel and Yii

Ask any seasoned web app developer about their choice of programming language, and they are sure to mention PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As per Builtwith, 3,090,319 live websites are still using PHP. However, when it comes to developing massive projects without lag or stability issues, developers tend to use frameworks, and PHP has two remarkable frameworks: 1) Laravel and 2) Yii. Both frameworks have a lot of followers in terms of full-grown communities globally, and there may be questions arising about which to choose.

What Are Laravel and Yii?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web-based or web application development initially created as a better alternative to Codeigniter. It is known for MVC Support, articulated ORM systems, reliability, modularity, and uncomplicated coding rules. Some of the key features of Laravel Framework are:

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native: When To Use Them

In this article, we will see what Cross-Platform App Frameworks: Ionic, Flutter, and React Native are and when to use them.

Each of these frameworks allows you to build an app for both the major platforms: iOS and Android. All of these frameworks are popular in the mobile app development world as they allow developers to build applications using a single source code for every platform. It costs less, hence, the demand for cross-platform app development has increased over the past decade.