Social Distancing, Spirit of Agility and the Rise of Super Distributed Teams

The COVID-19 outbreak has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, causing an unprecedented impact on people’s lives, families and communities. Every government and organization usually has a business continuity plan; however, the magnitude of the current crisis, no one saw coming. We’re discovering new ways of responding at every level — be it governments, companies, communities, families or individuals.

The way the events unfolded, we all observed how various governments and organizations responded and handled the outbreak so far. The speed at which things are evolving on a daily basis demonstrates the spirit of agility. The response is coming in different shapes and at a different speed. 

Good to Great With DevOps

DevOps is continuously evolving. Ever since the term was coined in 2009, the state of DevOps evolved exponentially year over year. Fast forward in 2019, organizations of every size and shape (enterprises to start-ups) share a great amount of excitement around DevOps. Each organization has its own DevOps story. Some of these stories are yet to begin, some are in their infancy, some are matured, and some have reached their pinnacle. Unlike other stories, there is no end to a DevOps story as it’s about continuous improvement.

As businesses increasingly become digital and software-driven, there is a greater realization about the nature of DevOps journey and possibilities. Not just engineers or technology leaders but also business leaders are interested in the DevOps concepts, practices and applications. There is a wider acceptance of the need for DevOps for achieving business outcomes.

5 Tips for Maximizing Value in Multi-Speed It Environments

In the majority of phased enterprise Agile transformation programs, multi-speed IT is unavoidable. When I say multi-speed IT, I refer to a world where Agile and waterfall (legacy) initiatives co-exist and need to work hand in hand to deliver business outcomes.

In the last two decades, I had the opportunity to work with different enterprises in a variety of industries helping their transformation journey. Every organization is different even if they operate in the same industry. The business needs, enterprise portfolio, and IT landscape vary from one organization to another. The agenda of transformation also differs from one to another resulting in different approaches, initiatives, and timelines. No matter what the approach an organization adopts for transformation (change and growth), the journey from current state to future state requires innovative strategies to sustain business operations during the period of transformation.