Bolster Intelligent Document Processing With Robotic Process Automation

Over the past few years, there have been countless new technology developments that have advanced the workforce —  from video and chat platforms that keep employees connected to automation solutions that boost productivity. One of the more popular developments has been intelligent document processing (IDP), used to extract data from structured and unstructured content to automate high-volume, repetitive document processing tasks. In fact, IDP has become so popular that, in 2022, the IDP market size was estimated to be at about 1.1 billion USD, but according to Research and Markets, it’s expected to grow to 5.2 billion USD by 2027. 

Despite the popularity of IDP, there are some iterations of the tool that lack the processing power needed to automate complex end-to-end business processes. Fortunately, robotic process automation (RPA) can step in to bolster your tech stack and solutions. 

The Power of Open-Source RPA and Parallel Processing

Over the past few decades, technology has made incredible leaps and bounds — from the creation of the internet to the development of AI. Waves of innovation have boosted enterprises’ productivity and reach, but with every new iteration, it becomes more complex to manage multiple technologies in your stack.

A Brief History of Enterprise Technology

Mainframes and customized homegrown platforms were the norm through the 1970s and 80s. ERP systems became the rage in the 90s and early 2000s. Most companies adopted these monolithic solutions to manage enterprise support functions and service delivery — and many still rely on them as core systems of record.