Writing a Jenkins File for Multi Branch Build Pipeline

Today's software companies maintain a lot of projects and to keep development and deployment activities keep go on for each team without any friction, CICD comes into the picture.

Generally, in software development, we create two separate environments for a product: UAT and Prod. UAT is the deployment setup, which is meant for User acceptance testing and is generally used by alpha testers, developers, product managers, and internal folks of a company. On the other hand, Prod is the production environment that is used by users.

Building Server in Julia and Connecting to a Database


With the growing popularity of the internet, building a web server has been an absolutely required skillset for any developer. However, there are popular frameworks in some languages available (like Node.js or Django) to build the backend. Still, Julia, being a relatively new language, also provides a framework for the same purpose. Julia is still under active development phase and has closer compiler performance to C than other languages.  Developers who have already implemented a machine learning or some data processing algorithm in Julia can now use the Julia Genie framework to expose APIs as well, which would help them use the same stack for the whole backend.

Installing Julia

If Julia is already installed in the system, typing $julia --version in the terminal should give version of Julia installed locally. Otherwise, official Julia documentation can be referred for installation. If installed properly, typing $julia in the terminal should start Julia in REPL mode.