Enhancing Churn Prediction With Ensemble Learning Techniques

Customer churn extends beyond a mere indicator of revenue loss: across diverse industries, it poses a formidable challenge that can profoundly destabilize a business's foundation. It undermines long-term strategic planning, escalates operational costs, and frequently signals underlying deficiencies, such as product quality or customer service efficiency. Against this background, predictive analytics has transitioned from a desirable addition to an indispensable element of business strategy.

Historically, this domain has leaned on traditional statistical models, including logistic regression and decision trees. These methodologies sift through historical customer data to identify indicators predictive of future service discontinuation. Although these methods have demonstrated resilience over time, their adequacy is increasingly being questioned. In this regard, ensemble learning emerges as a sophisticated alternative, offering enhanced precision and reliability in identifying potential customer attrition.

What Is Mobile Device Testing? A Complete Tutorial

Mobilе dеvicе tеsting is a quality assurancе procеss that ensurе mobilе dеvicеs, likе smartphonеs, tablеts, and wеarablеs, works as expected. This process tеsts thе dеvicе's functionality, pеrformancе, usability, and sеcurity to еnsurе that it mееts spеcific rеquirеmеnts and standards.

In today's world, wе'rе morе connеctеd than еvеr bеforе. And mobilе dеvicеs arе at thе cеntеr of it all. From smartphonеs and tablеts to smartwatchеs and fitnеss trackеrs, thеsе dеvicеs arе not only powerful tools for communication but also connеct us to the digital world.

Why You Shouldn’t Test on Rooted Devices

"Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub but also the bridge to the physical world."
– Thomas Husson, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research

Mobile devices have become an inevitable part of organizations' strategies to do more with less while delivering a quality experience to their customers or end users. At present, the global landscape is much more interconnected than ever before. The proliferation of smartphones and the adoption of widespread technologies and applications have profoundly transformed how we work and interact.

How To Create Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline

There were times we used to create Jenkins jobs using UI alone. Later, the idea of pipeline as a code was mooted to address the rising complexity with build and deployment jobs. In Jenkins 2.0, the Jenkins team introduced Jenkinsfile to achieve pipeline as a code. If you want to create automated pull request based or branch-based Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline, the Jenkins multibranch pipeline is a way to go.

As Jenkins multi-branch pipeline is fully a git-based pipeline as code, you can build your CI/CD workflows. Pipeline as Code (PaaC) makes it easy to bring the advantages of automation and cloud portability to your Selenium. You can use the multi-branch pipeline model to quickly and reliably build, test, deploy, monitor, report on, and manage your Selenium tests, and much more. In this Jenkins tutorial, we take a look at how to create a Jenkins multibranch pipeline and key concepts involved in configuring a Jenkins multibranch pipeline for Selenium automation testing.

How To Integrate Selenium Bitbucket Pipelines

Without Continuous Integration or CI, developers would need to manually coordinate, communicate, and test while contributing code to the end product each time. This, in turn, affects the production and causes a delay in release. So, it is crucial to use a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery tool with Selenium to automate the tests continuously. According to the recent survey by Atlassian, 75 percent of production teams face bugs, glitches, or delays at release time.

With Bitbucket CI coming into the picture, it will go a long way in helping developers with their daily operations. To ensure faster and smoother delivery, organizations use Selenium Grid Cloud to automate their test suite. It allows you to run tests faster, with fewer errors in a robust manner. In this article, you’ll learn how to integrate Selenium Bitbucket Pipelines. We will offer a step-by-step walkthrough to guide you through the entire process. Let’s get to it, shall we?

What Is Browser Sandboxing?

With a rapidly changing business landscape, security is one of the biggest challenges for developers and testers in their modern web development cycle. The complexity of building and deploying modern web apps leads to more security vulnerabilities. As per a Cost of Data Breach report by IBM and Ponemon Institute, in 2021, data breach costs rose from USD 3.86 million (average cost in 2019) to USD 4.24 million, which is the highest average cost of this report in seventeen years.

Therefore, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in the software development lifecycle to ensure user data security and privacy. Wouldn’t it be great if you could develop and test websites and web apps without worrying about security vulnerabilities? Sandboxing is one technique that can help you achieve this. Sandboxing is an approach for securely isolating an application, a web browser, and a piece of code. It prevents malicious or faulty apps from attacking or spying on your web resources and local system.

How to Perform Accessibility Testing of Websites and Web Apps

In this fast digital landscape, customer expectations, trends, and technology are changing at a breathtaking pace. Every organization wants to expand the user base of its websites and web applications. Unfortunately, many web applications fail to realize their full potential because they don’t consider the end-user requirements during the design and development phase. Therefore, it’s imperative to adapt to the current digital world.

Creating a new technology that is accessible to all users requires a significant amount of effort. For example, if you are releasing a web product (website or web app) to the market. In that case, it must be accessible to everyone, including users with special needs like blindness, deafness, and other physical or cognitive challenges.