Private Blockchains: Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda

In our primitive blogs, we learned about the basics of Blockchain Technology, what are public and private blockchains. We understood the details of public blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum as well as private blockchains Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Fabric 2, the private blockchains of the Hyperledger family. While each blockchain has its own features and advantages, not everything can be applied and implemented for a particular project or business. Every business has its own set of requirements, the challenges or problems vary from business to business and a lot of other factors like budget, infrastructure, resources, time, etc., have to be taken into account while choosing the right technology for a business project.

In the case of Blockchain, a business, depending upon its nature and functionality may require to choose either a public, a private or a hybrid blockchain. While one of our previous blogs explained the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the public blockchains; this blog will shed more light on the difference between Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda, the private blockchains. Check below for Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda activity protocols over the years.

Getting Started With the Puppeteer API for Headless Chrome

Google Chrome is, by far, the most mainstream web browser with its best of all security features and enhanced functionality. It’s easy to use and smooth surfing capabilities have made it the most sought after browser. The concept of web browser automation has been in practice for some time now. Automating browsers, to scrap carrying out redundant and repetitive tasks like screen navigation, filling out forms, taking screenshots, etc that hamper the speed of any application, is a methodology every developer follows. There are various multi-browser automation tools like Selenium, being one of the most popular, as well as other dedicated browser extensions like Chrome Browser extension (CBA) for Chrome, that help carry out smooth web browser automation.

The Rise of Headless Chrome and Puppeteer

In reference to this context, Google Chrome introduced the Headless Chrome functionality to allow automating the browser in a headless mode. The Headless Chrome enables the complete execution of Google Chrome on servers that run without a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It lets you programmatically test your web app without the need for any frontend framework. The entire automated testing process is carried out in the background, without you seeing anything happening in the testing process. Headless Chrome has gained immense popularity in the field of web development, due to its swift and fast execution.

What Is the Purpose of a Proof of Concept (POC)?

Note: This blog has been written from a software developer’s POV

At some point in your life, dreams about starting your venture like, opening a restaurant or becoming a retail entrepreneur or owning a dance academy, etc, may have surely crossed your minds. But, when was the last time you turned your dreams into reality? People might have laughed off the idea since you could not convince them about the value and feasibility of it.

A Sneak Peek Into Amazon Web Services Cloud (AWS)

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The emergence of Cloud Computing has benefitted the software industries big time. The majority of companies have shifted gears to move existing projects on Cloud as well as build new ones on it.

Our previous blog introduced you to Firebase, an app development platform, that provides multiple services to build a robust web or mobile app. Today let us learn about a powerful Cloud Computing platform called the AWS or Amazon Web Services Cloud.

Intro to MySQL

One of the numerous important aspects for the smooth functioning of a website or a web app is the strength of its database. How well the DB handles critical high-volume traffic, is there a data recovery mechanism in case of system failures, advanced functionalities, etc. are some of the parameters that define the working of a DB.

Our previous blog introduced the non-relational DBMS MongoDB. In this article, we will look at an introduction to the MySQL database (an RDBMS) and go through its architecture and various features that make it the best choice with regards to developing web apps or websites.

Intro to MongoDB

The word “database” instantly creates a picture of a table having rows and columns. Typically, any system architecture has a relational database management system (RDBMS) to store data. Data in an RDBMS is stored in tables containing rows and columns, and tables are connected to each other via relational models.

Examples of traditional RDBMSs include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, etc. These databases have been in the market for a substantial amount of time, as they are highly efficient and deliver great performance.

Progressive Web App Development: Technical Components

PWA technology is software that enables users to create websites that behave like mobile apps. Built on the lines of intelligent caching, PWA stores HTML, CSS,  and image files in a browser's cache, which allows for efficient page-load speed. PWA development enhances user experience, as it facilitates offline website access, background data synchronization, push notifications, etc.

Frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, etc. can be used to write PWAs.

Types of Blockchain Ledgers

Over the years, Blockchain has acquired immense prominence in the digital world. Its capability of maintaining data transparency and its immutable structure has attracted more and more industry verticals to pursue and utilize it for their regular transactions.

Blockchain, in basic language, is an accumulation of blocks (ledger), in a distributed network (chain), which is utilized to record digital data of any value. The data is stored across all the blocks in the network. Consequently, there is no single proprietor or focal vault controlling it.