Popular IoT Development Platforms: 2021 Edition

The Internet of things or IoT is a real trend that is apparently gaining popularity among other things. We all might have heard about the buzzword ‘IoT’ at some point in our lives either from a friend, a blog post, or people walking by on a sidewalk. IoT is all about 'physical devices connected to the internet,' in other words, ‘Simply, the Internet of Things is made up of devices — from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables — connected together,’ Matthew Evans, the IoT program head at techUK describes IoT in a nutshell.

The Brief History of IoT

The year 1999 is considered huge for IoT. The term ‘Internet of Things' was coined by Kevin Ashton, executive director of the Auto-ID Center. According to British tech pioneer, Kevin Ashton,

Top Trends in Cloud Computing in 2021

The popularity of cloud computing has transformed how companies do business. This transformation is inevitable. Industries around the world are deploying the latest technological innovations to help their businesses succeed. Since these solutions provide more flexibility and better data management options, companies are now realizing the significance of cloud computing for enterprise software development. According to Cisco, cloud data centers now process almost 94% of all workloads

Top tech trends such as AI and IoT will continue to rise, but the most significant prediction will define how businesses overcome challenges in cloud computing. The future of cloud computing seems bright and possible — even industry experts believe that cloud computing is the "next big thing" that is at the forefront of all trending technologies. Total spending on the cloud will increase by 16% CAGR by 2026, which proves that cloud architecture is here to stay and will continue to facilitate businesses in achieving major goals. 

Industry Experts Share Their Opinion on Website Security Trends for 2021

2021 was a strange year for security teams because cyberattacks accelerated at an alarming rate during the pandemic. Cybercriminals were seen attacking not only individuals but small businesses, major corporations, governments, and even critical infrastructures. With people confined to their homes, internet usage was pushed up to 70%, besides, global businesses were forced to deploy remote systems and networks to facilitate remote work for employees.

Consequently, cybercriminals started leveraging the vulnerabilities in the remote structures to steal sensitive information, and generate profits for personal gain, which disrupted economies and business operations immensely. But undoubtedly, lessons are learned from every experience, whether they're good or bad. 

Top 7 Web Development Trends to Expect in 2021

Technology is evolving rapidly; therefore, web developers need to stay updated with the ongoing developments and trends, as it is one of the most crucial aspects for the success of businesses. 

There are over 1.74 billion websites around the world. Companies are seen to be competing with one another for the top rank on the search engine. The reason why developers should know and discover more innovative ways to web development as it helps businesses to grow rather exponentially and globally.