Java Class Name Locator in Selenium

The CSS Locator in Selenium is one of the most important aspects of writing a script. If you cannot locate an element by using any CSS locator in Selenium, then being proficient at Selenium automation will be a tough task. Selenium provides multiple ways of locating an element.

I have written a complete guide to help illustrate the practical demonstration of CSS locator in Selenium.

The Mystery Behind Testing ”The Integration of Payment Gateways”

Payment gateways are one of today's most important integrations that are done in the ever trending online market space. Any online market space that requires a transaction needs a payment gateway, be it Amazon, Flipkart, Uber, Airbnb, MakeMyTrip, Big Basket, etc.

Integration testing remains a mystery for an application with a payment gateway. I say so because most of us usually do not unveil the actual testing efforts required to test the gateway integration. We have a tendency to ensure payments happen with a valid card, and it does not happen with an invalid card. But trust me, it's much more than that.

Good Tests and Bad Metrics: Choosing Quality Over Quantity in Software Testing

As a part of the quality assurance team, you are always expected to carry a quality stick to ensure quality is maintained to a "T." We are always asked to put ourselves into the shoes of the customers and ensure the products/projects meet their expectations with the highest quality achieved.

But the actual irony lies where all our quality metrics boil down to quantitative numbers and terms like bugs logged, the number of test cases written, the number of test cases executed, time spent on testing, URLs tested, browsers checked for cross-browser testing, defect leakage, and more.

Automated Testing With JUnit and Selenium for Browser Compatibility

Cross-browser testing is a process by where you test your website over multiple browsers and browser versions running on different operating systems. This is done to realize the cross-browser compatibility of a website or a web app when accessed across a variety of browsers. If your web app isn’t cross-browser compatible, then not only would you be missing out on potential leads but your customer retention could also suffer. These browser differences could be anything from layout to typography, and these cross-browser differences happen as each browser has a unique rendering engine, which is responsible for rendering web elements.

However, cross-browser testing can be highly time-consuming if executed manually. Think about how many browser versions you would need to encounter from legacy to modern and the surplus variety of browsers available in the market. You also would have to consider specific browsers offered by specific mobile vending companies. There are ways you could fast track your manual cross-browser testing effort, and automation testing sits on top of the list for saving everyday time and effort.

8 Actionable Insights To Write Better Automation Code

As you start on with automation you may come across various approaches, techniques, framework, and tools you may incorporate in your automation code. Sometimes such versatility leads to greater complexity in code than providing better flexibility or better means of resolving issues. While writing an automation code it’s important that we are able to clearly portray our objective of automation testing and how are we achieving it. Having said so it’s important to write "clean code" to provide better maintainability and readability. Writing clean code is also not an easy cup of tea, you need to keep in mind a lot of best practices. The below topic highlights 8 silver lines one should acquire to write better automation code.

1. Naming Convention

This is indeed one of the rules of thumb to keep in mind as we move from manual to automation, or in fact writing code in any programming language. Following proper naming conventions helps in easier understanding of code and maintenance. This naming convention implies variables, methods, classes, and packages. For example, your method name should be specific as what it is intended for. A Register_User() method portrays the method displaying user registration within that method. Clearly defined method names adds to the easy maintenance and readability of the script. The same extends to the variable naming. I have noticed many people mentioning variables as a, b, c, and on, or even Web Elements as Weblelement1 and Webelement2 and so on. This gives no clue to the user seeing the variable name as what it intends to do.