Proof of Stake Alternatives Every Developer Should Know Of

According to Statista, global spending on blockchain solutions is projected to grow to $19 billion by 2024. However, despite its numerous applications across a multitude of industries, there is still a large debate over what type of blockchain protocol is most effective.

At its core, blockchain technology is designed to act as a public ledger where information can be recorded and distributed without being manipulated or edited. Every blockchain must strive toward three main features: security, decentralization, and scalability. Yet, not all blockchain protocols achieve this task to the same degree.

App Developers Are the First Line of Defense Against Cyberattacks

A growing number of developers are creating new apps dedicated to improving cybersecurity. Their work is going to be even more important than ever as cyberattacks become a greater threat.

In order to thwart would-be cybercriminals, app developers need to understand how these crimes are conducted. You can find more information about this below.

Why to Implement GitOps into Your Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous integration and continuous delivery have become essential to meet the demands of the modern software development process. CI/CD pipelines are popular within software delivery pipelines for facilitating software development and deployment tasks. However, infrastructure management is often tracked outside of CI/CD. 

Most of the time, infrastructure and configurations are managed outside the CI/CD pipeline, even for applications requiring rapid infrastructure modifications or configuration changes like in a containerized environment with Kubernetes. In this post, we will explore the need to implement GitOps within your Kubernetes CI/CD pipelines.

Businesses Discover the Shocking Cost of Bad Data

Big data has become incredibly important for many companies all over the world. Unfortunately, the growing emphasis on big data has led to some poor decision-making. Many entities are prioritizing data scalability at the expense of data quality. As a result, bad data is costing them a lot of problems. 

In the USA alone, bad data - any poorly structured or managed data - costs the country over $3 trillion every year. Whether it’s created from data engineers accidentally adding an extra zero, a discrepancy in how things are formatted, or even problems with the data system itself, a lot can go wrong with data.

5 DevOps Tools To Add to Your Stack in 2022

DevOps has fundamentally changed the way software is developed. It has further paved the way for creating faster, flexible, and more collaborative development and delivery processes. Thus, new and exciting DevOps tools emerge each year to improve existing workflows or introduce new functionality to the DevOps process. In this article, let’s have a look at five DevOps tools you can add to your tech stack in 2022.


Modern workloads are becoming more complex than ever. Therefore, these workloads need to be distributed in different environments from the cloud, on-premise, and edge, depending on the requirement. Managing multiple different environments has become commonplace, with multi-cloud being a popular option to distribute workloads while maintaining flexibility. However, it will add increased management overhead to the DevOps process. Anthos aims to solve this issue by providing a unified platform to manage applications in on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud platforms.

Leveraging CPAN and Perl Modules in Your DevOps Projects

There is an old saying: "Don't reinvent the wheel". This saying is correct, and it is applicable in all areas of our life, including programming. The whole concept of DevOps is to utilize existing tools and resources, so you don’t have to spend hours creating new code from scratch. Due to the powerful benefits it provides, it shouldn’t be surprising that the global DevOps market was worth over $4.3 billion in 2020.

In this article, we will talk about how to optimize our time and our results by learning how to use the modules that are built into CPAN.

AI DevOps Are Vital for Neutralize a New Generation of Ransomware

Artificial intelligence is becoming more prominent in all major operating systems, including the Android operating system. It is increasingly being used for new purposes, including device security since it can detect and stop threats. Although artificial intelligence is used for cybersecurity threat detection and mitigation, it also poses a risk as hackers utilize it as well.

This trend is rapidly gaining momentum and is part of the reason ransomware attacks increased 150% last year. DevOps developers working on new cybersecurity algorithms must learn to reverse engineer the applications hackers develop with AI to create more robust defenses. Malware has become very sophisticated due to advances in artificial intelligence, making it more complex for users and companies to detect or prevent.

Resolving SQL Connection Errors Due to SSL Certificate Issues

SSL certificates are very important for authenticating websites and ensuring connections are encrypted. However, there are some scenarios when they can create headaches. Rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater and abandon the use of SSL, you should know how to use them properly.

One issue that you can run into will occur when connecting with a remote computer. You might try to connect to an SQL Server from a remote computer with the same credentials that you used to connect locally. Unfortunately, you might receive an error like this.

Utilizing the Cloud Effectively for Optimal ERP Performance

An ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) is a set of packages or a specialized business management software that attempts to integrate all departments and functions within the company in a single, centralized system. The purpose is to optimize decision-making capabilities for business processes and strategies.

One of the biggest decisions that organizations need to make is whether to host their ERP on the cloud or rely on self-hosting. Before they can make that decision, there are a few things to consider. Read the following overview of ERP for a better understanding of ERP and self-hosting.

Navigating the Perplexities of Cloud-Centric Python Development

Python has become a very popular programming language with over 8.2 million developers. One of the appeals is its flexibility, which includes options to use it over the cloud. It is increasingly common for Python developers to write and execute code over cloud servers. The main advantage of writing and executing Python code on the cloud, apart from having more features than a local computer, is the ability to share configurations and perform collaborative work easily.

The downside is that there are some challenges that Python developers face over the cloud. Since the Python ecosystem is evolving at a rapid pace, you may have problems using the most recent features. You may also have issues sharing your work. This is partly because the configuration of Python libraries (and versions) varies considerably among team members.

Guide to New JavaScript Features Introduced at Google I/O 2019

On May 6 and 7, 2019, the most recent Google I/O conference was held. This is an annual technology event that has been organized by Google every year since 2008. The forum brings together developers from around the world to present and discuss topics related to Google products, open Internet technologies, and new trends in the software industry.

One of the biggest trends that was covered at this event was a series of changes with JavaScript. Mathias Bynens and Sathya Gunasekaran covered many of these changes in a talk titled: "What's new in JavaScript". This is a great video to check out. These two men have worked on Google's V8 JavaScript engine project, so they are very knowledgeable about the impact of these changes. However, we wanted to summarize the changes here.

Integrating Sinatra Into Ruby to Expedite Application Development

Sinatra is a great web application library. It can be used to streamline development in Ruby and several other programming languages. A number of articles on Dzone have been written on using Sinatra to develop web applications, but there didn’t appear to be an article on setting up Sinatra. We decided to provide a quick tutorial on this process.

Setting Up Sinatra for Ruby Development

The first step is to download the latest stable version of Ruby. Some versions of Ruby are not compatible with Sinatra, so you may need to update it. I would like to emphasize that the 64-bit version is functional, but it may require some packages to be compiled manually. Therefore, this version is only recommended for more advanced Ruby developers.

Android Application Development With Amazon Web Services SDK

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when developing an Android application. Developing an interface to handle queries on the server-side is one of the most important steps. Server-side state management is responsible for handling many different tasks, such as user authentication, serving content such as images or data and communication with a centralized database.

Amazon S3 is an aspect of Amazon Web Services that can help with server-side app management by providing object storage features to handle these queries. It has a number of libraries, databases, and cloud computing features that will assist you.

Using Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning Application Development in Python

Python is arguably the best programming language for machine learning. However, many aspiring machine learning developers don’t know where to start. They should look into the scikit-learn library, which is one of the best for developing machine learning applications. It is free and relatively easy to install and learn.

Why Machine Learning Programmers Should Be Familiar With Scikit-Learn

If you are trying to develop machine learning applications, then you were going to need a robust toolkit. Scikit-learn is just the solution that you need. This library was developed in 2007 as part of a Google project. Three years later, the code was released as hey solution for machine learning algorithms in conjunction with Google and several other major companies.

Using Machine Learning to Improve the Performance of DevOps

Developers need to understand the intersectionality between DevOps technology and machine learning. Machine learning algorithms can significantly improve the effectiveness of DevOps applications.

Incorporating Machine Learning Into Your DevOps Model

It is important to be aware of the different ways that machine learning can be applied to DevOps. Before you begin implementing DevOps practices, it is important to carefully define your objectives and recognize the biggest shortcoming of traditional DevOps environments.