Unraveling the Siloing Issue When Using Argo CD With Other Similar Tools

A GitOps silo happens when the adoption of GitOps practices leads to isolation within the development and operations processes. This creates a disconnect between teams that should be working together to maximize the benefits of GitOps. It is similar to siloing in DevOps, which is largely viewed as a negative and something organizations should eradicate.

However, there are some misconceptions about this subject, which should not come as a surprise, given how there are different views when it comes to silos. For example, while many would say that DevOps addresses siloing, some argue that there are areas where DevOps can be part of the reason why silos emerge. There are also those who opine that silos are not necessarily an urgent problem and that organizations may not have to spend so much time trying to eliminate them.

The Best of Firebase for Innovative Application Development

Firebase has become a very popular solution for managing cloud computing services and developing backend software applications. This tool is used by 1,108,363 websites and has a lot of powerful benefits.

Fellow Dzone contributor Deji Adesoga talked about some of the great things that can be done with Firebase. They mentioned that it is possible to create a to-do application by merging Firebase and React. However, there are many other great things that can be done with this platform.

Enterprises Must Utilize Python for Developing ERP Testing Processes

Python is one of the most robust programming languages around. Over 15.7 million developers have used Python for a variety of applications over the last decade.

One of the most important things that developers are currently using python for is ERP testing. In order to fully appreciate the benefits of using Python for these applications, he's important to understand the nature of ERP testing and the role Python applications can fit into the framework.

AI Technology Is Drastically Disrupting the Background Screening Industry

In a world governed by digital technology, cybersecurity is paramount for everyone. Organizations must take all necessary measures to protect their data from malicious actors. One such measure is conducting background checks on employees and potential hires. AI technology is disrupting the process.

AI technology can play a very important role in this process. It is revolutionizing the way background checks are conducted. With the help of AI-powered software, employers can quickly and accurately assess potential employees and make sure that they are hiring the right person for the job. AI technology can also provide a more comprehensive view of a candidate's background than traditional methods, allowing employers to make better-informed decisions about their hiring process.

Data Encryption Is the First Line of Defense Against Identity Theft and Cybercrime

In recent times, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue. Last summer, a global study found that 82% of CIOs felt that their organizations were vulnerable to cyberattacks.

This is because the number of cyber-attacks and identity thefts has increased worldwide. For example, there were over 236 million ransomware attacks in 2022, and 20% of Internet users were affected by hacked email servers.   As such, it's more important than ever for individuals and businesses to ensure they're adequately protected against any malicious attack or data breach.

Essential Cybersecurity Tips to Reduce the Risk of Data Breaches

Consumer data theft and exploitation is a growing business with low barriers to entry and high payouts. This has led to a rise in attacks worldwide. In 2021, over 290 million people in the US alone were victims of data breaches.

Unfortunately, the problem is only going to get worse this year. Norton Security reports that almost 60 million Americans have experienced identity theft as a result of data breaches. By 2023, cybercriminals are expected to steal 33 billion records annually.

Machine Learning Is Even Disrupting the Process of Reverse Phone Lookups

Machine learning technology is becoming increasingly important for many applications. According to one recent analysis, global businesses and consumers spent over $14.9 billion on machine learning technology in 2021. 

One of the many ways that machine learning is with reverse lookups. Murto Hilali published an interesting article in Towards Data Science on the benefits of using machine learning to handle phone lookups

Essential Protocols for Python Developers to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks

You are going to encounter a number of issues as a Python developer. Mastering the syntax of coding isn’t enough to write functioning, stable applications. You also have to familiarize yourself with different challenges the final application might deal with, including Python security risks.

Many of the discussions about developing secure applications focus on using machine learning to protect customers, such as helping them avoid holiday scams. However, it is equally important to ensure the applications themselves are not vulnerable to cybercriminals.

Using Mdspan Class Template to Handle Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C++

Although there are 4 million C++ programmers around the world, many of them lack the mastery needed to offer the services employers need. Therefore, there is still a shortage of these valuable experts.

The reason C++ programmers have such excellent job security is that the language is complex and difficult to master. As a result, demand for programmers is surging these days. C++ programmers, in particular, can find stable employment. There are many great C++ jobs if you are a skilled programmer. 

Python Developers Are Creating Disruptive AI Applications for Healthcare

Python remains the best programming language for creating AI applications. Python developers are being commissioned to develop AI applications in countless industries. Healthcare is one of the sectors most impacted by their work.

There are a number of important benefits of using Python to create AI applications for the healthcare sector. One of the most important applications is using Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP applications can be used in healthcare for phenotyping, CDS system construction, and predicting the onset of various diagnoses.

How Sigma Rules Can Help Address the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage

A global study by Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) and industry analyst firm Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that the alarming cybersecurity skills shortage problem raged on for the fifth consecutive year in 2021. This skills shortage, which affects 57 percent of organizations, has resulted in increasing workloads for cybersecurity teams, unfilled cybersecurity job vacancies, and high burnout levels among cybersecurity team members.

A relatively new tool for cybersecurity teams called Sigma rules offers a mitigation option for the skills crisis. It may not completely eliminate the issue, but it can provide a significant contribution in giving teams breathing room as they deal with the serious impact of not having enough people to address aggressive and evolving cyber threats.

Cloud SQL Guidelines for Cloud Database Administration

Cloud hosting is more common than ever. A growing number of organizations are resorting to cloud computing. Therefore, the market for cloud hosting services was over $405 billion last year and is growing around 19% a year through 2029.

As more companies become reliant on cloud computing, they need to find efficient ways to organize databases stored in the cloud. Fortunately, Google offers a solution known as Cloud SQL. Pearson, Macy's, DISH, and AAA use Cloud SQL to manage their cloud databases. However, smaller companies use more specialized services, such as Amnesty, which offers Magento Open Source solutions for eCommerce companies. You will need to follow the guidelines listed below to make the most of it.

Lamda Functions Help AI Developers Easily Create DataFrames in Python

Python is the most popular language for developing machine learning applications. According to one survey, 69% of developers that create machine learning programs use Python.

There are many reasons machine learning developers use Python. One of the biggest benefits is that the language is platform independent. It is also simple, flexible, and has a large community that developers can call on for support.

How Big Data Is Shaping the Future of HR Analytics

Big data has taken the business world by storm in recent years - to the point where the global market is forecasted to reach a whopping $103 billion by 2027, more than doubling its value in less than a decade. From healthcare to manufacturing to retail, almost every industry benefits from big data, and the world of HR is no different.

Big data is revolutionizing how HR teams discover and manage problems by providing insights into employee behavior and patterns, which is helping companies increase retention rates, engagement levels, and overall employee performance. But exactly what is big data? What are some of its applications in human resource analytics? Here's everything you need to know.