How To Handle Technical Debt in Scrum

If you work in software development, you likely encounter technical debt all the time. It accumulates over time as we prioritize delivering new features over maintaining a healthy codebase. 

Managing technical debt, or code debt, can be a challenge. Approaching it the right way in the context of Scrum won’t just help you manage your tech debt. It can allow you to leverage it to strategically ship faster and gain a very real competitive advantage. 

Why It’s Time to Shift Left Technical Debt

Shifting left has brought massive benefits for testing, security and DevOps, but not for tech debt and issue tracking. Yet, technical debt is one of the main reasons development teams struggle or fail to deliver. 

Let’s face it – developers don’t want to work through an endless backlog of tech debt. It just sucks. Tech debt hampers productivity, which impacts morale. There’s nothing worse than slowly grinding to a halt as a team.