How To: Docker With Spring Boot

If you are reading this, there is no doubt you have heard of Docker. Living up to the hype, Docker has become the relative standard for DevOps operations. Its ability to simplify deployments and testing by creating efficient and immutable images of the applications working in their own silo has greatly helped with its popularity. The majority of Docker’s attention can be attributed to its improved efficiency regarding placement of applications—making tech central for cloud applications. 

By unifying application development Docker makes the target environment part of your app in the form of a container rather than forcing you to prepare its environment on each machine. This means you no longer have to deal with conflicting library versions or overlapping network posts. Built images are immutable, allowing your application to work the same way locally, on a team member’s computer, or the cloud. In addition to this, it is possible to run many instances of the container on the same machine, which helps to increase the density of deployments, and in turn, brings down costs. 

How to Use Kotlin to Create a Secure Ktor Application

Today I will be showing you how to use a modern JVM stack to build your own Nano Blogging Service, or nabl. You will be using the Ktor web framework, Kotlin programming language, and securing it with Okta. Your users will be able to sign up/login, as well as browse chronological feeds and post updates without the inclusion of ads.

Often Kotlin is described as a better alternative to Java due to its efficient Java interoperability. This is important as it then allows for you to employ the largest ecosystem of existing libraries written and designed for Java, as well as JVM frameworks in your Kotlin application, or vice-versa. Kotlin also is compatible with Spring Boot, Jersey, Dropwizard, and more. Any framework that is “Kotlin-native” provides high-level language support, additional type-safety, and other competitive advantages.