Dockerfile Optimization for Fast Builds and Light Images

"Docker builds images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile -- a text file that contains all commands, in order, needed to build a given image."

The explanation above was extracted from Docker’s official docs and summarizes what a Dockerfile is for. Dockerfiles are important to work with because they are our blueprint, our record of layers added to a Docker base image.

Connecting Sequelize To a PostgreSQL Cluster


In a previous post, I showed how to automate a PostgreSQL fault-tolerant cluster with Vagrant and Ansible.

This kind of setup makes our database cluster resilient to server failure and keeps the data available with no need for human interaction. But what about the apps using this database? Are they fault-tolerant too?

How To Automate PostgreSQL and repmgr on Vagrant

I often get asked if it's possible to build a resilient system with PostgreSQL.

Considering that resilience should feature cluster high-availability, fault tolerance, and self-healing, it's not an easy answer. But there is a lot to be said about this.

How To Achieve Mongo Replication on Docker

In the previous post, I showed how we used MongoDB replication to solve several problems we were facing.

Replication got to be a part of a bigger migration which brought stability, fault-tolerance, and performance to our systems. In this post, we will dive into the practical preparation of that migration.

How We Achieved MongoDB Replication on Docker


Picture your database server. Now imagine it somehow breaks. Despair comes up and disturbs the reaction.

Maybe you lost data. Maybe you had too much downtime. Maybe you lost work hours. Maybe you lost precious time and money. High Availability is easily a nice-to-have but in times like these, you value it more.