Do You Really Need Kubernetes?

These days, it seems Kubernetes is a topic that is never too far from people's lips.  The tool, and the associated tools built around it, are talked about so often it seems it's the only subject important to developers these days - especially as the IT world becomes increasingly orientated towards cloud and microservices.

But in spite of all the conversation around Kubernetes... do you really need Kubernetes for your environment? Or is it just another case of the next 'new and shiny' object,  with people distracted by the novelty and possibility, rather than the facts? In this blog, I'll take a closer look at why Kubernetes might be a case of the hype outweighing the helpfulness in most cases. 

Fast and Efficient Development With Payara Server and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

In this blog, we’re going to look at how to use Payara Server with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. We’ll cover how to create a simple web application that runs on a Payara server. We’ll also explore some of the features available to help you develop your enterprise applications.

Payara Server Support in IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA provides great tooling for developing with Payara servers. By default, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate comes with the Glassfish plugin installed and enabled. You can use the Glassfish plugin to start, stop and debug Payara servers along with other server functionality.

Getting Started With Jakarta EE 9: Hello World


The release of Jakarta EE 9, at the end of 2020, was in many ways a historic event. The Java Enterprise framework is already 20 years old, having its first release in 1999. It has changed names a few times but the main concepts of the first release can still be found in this new release. During all those years, it has adapted itself to keep it up to date but has always adhered to its main principle of stability and backward compatibility.

Regarding backward compatibility, this release was also historic as the namespaces changed (like package names that changed from 'javax' to 'jakarta'). The change is straightforward, no other changes are introduced between Jakarta EE 8 and EE 9.  This to make the migration as easy as possible.

MicroProfile Config With etcd

In this short video, Rudy de Busscher demonstrates how to use MicroProfile Config with etcd. 

Eclipse MicroProfile has been created as a open source specification for Enterprise Java microservices. It's aim is to work on microservices patterns for Enterprise Java and to integrate applications with the infrastructures they run on, with patterns like health checks, metrics, etc. The MicroProfile project was launched in June 2016 as a collaborative effort between Java application server vendors and the enterprise Java community to enable fast innovation.

MicroProfile Metrics with Prometheus and Grafana [Video]

In this short video, Rudy de Busscher shows how to connect MicroProfile Metrics with Prometheus and Grafana to produce useful graphics and to help investigate your microservice architecture.

The goal of MicroProfile Metrics is to expose monitoring data from the implementation in a unified way. It also defines a Java API so that the developer can define and supply his own values.