How Midjourney and Other Diffusion Models Create Images from Random Noise

Colossal hype ensues whenever there's progress or even the slightest shift in the world of machine learning (ML). When it comes to AI, the craze always ends up growing out of proportion and insane claims invariably follow. You've probably noticed this recently as more people are beginning to use Midjourney, ChatGPT, Copilot, and so on.

The truth about these systems, however, is always more prosaic. Machine learning is mathematical, and the real implications of the ML models are not nearly as profound as some bloggers would have you believe. They could be beneficial and, in some cases, transform large portions of workflows in specific areas, but only if the user, whether an organization or an individual, has a sufficient understanding of their inner workings, limitations, capabilities, and potential.

Two Principles of Geometric Deep Learning

After CNNs exploded in 2012, showing unprecedented levels of prediction accuracy on image classification tasks, a group of researchers from Yann LeCun's team decided to extend their success to other, more exotic domains. Specifically, they started working on generalizing convnets to graphs. Their efforts were described in this influential paper

Since then, Graph Neural Networks have become a hot area of research within the ML community and beyond. Numerous papers have been published explaining how different kinds and flavors of GNNs can be applied to complicated, irregular, high-dimensional, non-grid-like structures (graphs, manifolds, meshes, etc.).

RNN, Seq2Seq, Transformers: Introduction to Neural Architectures Commonly Used in NLP

Just a few years ago, RNNs and their gated variants (that added multiplicative interactions and mechanisms for better gradient transfer) were the most popular architectures used for NLP.

Prominent researchers, such as Andrey Karpathy, were singing odes to RNNs' unreasonable effectiveness and large corporations were keen on adopting the models to put them into virtual agents and other NLP applications.

Computer Vision Systems Applied to Real Business Problems

Computer Vision has finally found its way out of the lab into real-world applications.

The latest state-of-the-art CV systems, which rely heavily on Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks, are now capable of providing high levels of accuracy in object classification, object detection, and other visual recognition tasks. Companies across various industries are finding multiple use-cases for this groundbreaking tech.