Why You Should Use Puppeteer for Testing

Over the past decade, the world has seen the emergence of powerful JavaScript-based web apps while new frameworks evolved. These frameworks challenged issues that had long been associated with crippling website performance. Interactive UI elements, seamless speed, and impressive styling components have started co-existing within a website without compromising the speed too heavily. CSS and HTML are now injected into JS instead of the other way around because JS is simply more efficient. While the use of these JavaScript frameworks has boosted performance, it has taken a toll on testers.

Testing and debugging has become more and more complex. Puppeteer has been introduced as a node library used to enable Chrome browser testing.

Why Global Variables Shouldn’t Be Very Global

One of the biggest blunders a JS developer can do make while writing code is declaring unnecessary global variables. Global variables are extremely helpful for programmers, but if they are not used carefully, they can rob the speed and efficiency of any browser.

Short Note

There are mainly two types of variables that are used in JS: local and global. Local variables are defined and used within a function, whereas global variables are defined for the function window. In short, until the code doesn’t terminate, global variables will be present, lurking in the background.