Building a Lightweight Trino Distribution

Too many data frameworks built for large scale have unacceptable complexity at small scale. But with a few tweaks, Trino scales down to run nicely on small single-container configurations.

Trino (fka PrestoSQL) is an open source query distribution engine.

Selecting the Right Open Source DB for Your Workload

So. Many. Databases.

The latest DB-Engines ranking lists 370 databases according to popularity. That’s certainly a lot. And the sheer number may lead some to go back to what they know, or rely on other developers’ recommendations. The more intrepid may even spend some time researching.

Suffice it to say that it takes some navigation to understand the landscape across all the database flavors. And mere understanding doesn’t necessarily lead to the right choice. Martin Kleppman literally maps this out in his noteworthy book, Designing Data-Intensive Appplications, O’Reilly. (Highly recommend this read.)

The Dark Side of Docker: Avoid the “Latest” Tag

We rely on Docker, and it’s one of our favorite technologies. But using Docker for commercial software shows some rough edges that we found the hard way.

Latest Tag Is Broken at Best, Evil at Worst

It seems like the “latest” tag should work, but it really doesn’t, except in the simplest cases. We didn’t realize how crazy broken this could be until one night we were on a Zoom call and watched a new customer install software that was three months old, when there were 10 newer builds available. Not a good feeling.