Producing Messages at Warp Speed: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Producers recently organized its first hackathon; participants were tasked with saving the island of Zakar by predicting wildfires from temperature sensor data and social media posts. To set up the hackathon, I simulated seven years of data, generating more than four million messages.

Each participant needed to load that data into their Memphis Cloud account, so I wrote an upload script using the Python SDK. When I tested the script on my home network, I was easily seeing ingestion rates of 11,000 messages per second. But when I tested it using my Memphis Cloud account, messages were only being produced at a rate of 30 messages per second. Oh no! What gives?! And how did I end up fixing it?

Part 3: Transforming MongoDB CDC Event Messages

In our last blog post, we introduced a reference implementation for capturing change data capture (CDC) events from a MongoDB database using Debezium Server and At the end of the post, we noted that MongoDB records are serialized as strings in Debezium CDC messages like so:

"schema" : ...,
        "payload" : {
        "before" : null,
            "after" : "{\\"_id\\": {\\"$oid\\": \\"645fe9eaf4790c34c8fcc2ed\\"},\\"creation_timestamp\\": {\\"$date\\": 1684007402978},\\"due_date\\": {\\"$date\\": 1684266602978},\\"description\\": \\"buy milk\\",\\"completed\\": false}",

Part 2: Change Data Capture (CDC) For MongoDB With Debezium and

This is part two of a series of blog posts on building a modern event-driven system using

Our last blog post introduced a reference implementation for capturing change data capture (CDC) events from a PostgreSQL database using Debezium Server and By replacing Apache Kafka with, the solution substantially reduced the operational resources and overhead – saving money and freeing developers to focus on building new functionality.

Part 1: Integrating Debezium Server and for Streaming Change Data Capture (CDC) Events

This is part one of a series of blog posts on building a modern event-driven system using

Change data capture (CDC) is an architectural pattern that turns databases into sources for event-driven architectures. Frequently, CDC is implemented on top of built-in replication support. Changes to data (e.g., caused by INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements) are recorded as atomic units and appended to a replication log for transmission to replicas. CDC software copies the events from the replica logs to streaming infrastructure for processing by downstream components.